• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.2.2

Crafter Deployer

Crafter Deployer

Crafter Deployer is the deployment agent for CrafterCMS.

Crafter Deployer performs indexing and runs scheduled deployments to perform tasks like pushing/pulling content created/edited in Crafter Studio to an external service, executing actions every time a deployment succeeds or fails, sending out deployment notifications, etc.


Configuration Files

Crafter Deployer can be configured at the global level and individual target level.

  1. Global configuration files are in $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/, and will be applied to all targets loaded.

  2. Individual target configuration files are in $CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets/{siteName}-{environment}.yaml

Global Configuration Files

Crafter Deployer has two main property configuration files found in CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config:

  • application.yaml: contains the global application properties, like the server port and the locations of other configuration files.

  • base-target.yaml: contains the common properties for all targets. In here you can find properties for configuring indexing with Crafter Search and deployment notifications.

The application.yaml file is loaded automatically by Spring Boot, so its properties can be overridden in the standard external locations defined by Spring Boot:

  1. application.yaml in a config directory under the current directory.

  2. application.yaml in the current directory.

  3. application.yaml in a config directory in the classpath.

  4. application.yaml in the classpath root.

You can also override the application.yaml properties by specifying them as System properties, e.g. -Dserver.port=7171.

Here’s a sample application.yaml file (click on the triangle on the left to expand/collapse):

Sample application.yaml file
 2  main:
 3    config:
 4      environment:
 5        active: ${CRAFTER_ENVIRONMENT}
 6    targets:
 7      config:
 8        folderPath: ${targets.dir}
 9    deployments:
10      folderPath: ${deployments.dir}
11      output:
12        folderPath: ${logs.dir}
13      processedCommits:
14        folderPath: ${processedCommits.dir}
15    logging:
16      folderPath: ${logs.dir}
17    management:
18      # Deployer management authorization token
19      authorizationToken: ${DEPLOYER_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN}
20    security:
21      encryption:
22        # The key used for encryption of configuration properties
23        key: ${CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY}
24        # The salt used for encryption of configuration properties
25        salt: ${CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_SALT}
26      ssh:
27        # The path of the folder used for the SSH configuration
28        config: ${CRAFTER_SSH_CONFIG}

The base-target.yaml file is handled a little bit differently. This file is loaded by Crafter Deployer every time a new target is added and is merged with the specific properties of the target, with the target’s properties taking precedence. By default, the override location for this configuration file is CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/base-target.yaml, but it can be changed through the application.yaml property deployer.main.targets.config.baseYaml.overrideLocation.

Here’s a sample base-target.yaml file (click on the triangle on the left to expand/collapse):

Sample base-target.yaml file
 2  localRepoPath: ${deployer.main.deployments.folderPath}/${target.siteName}
 3  engineUrl: ${env:ENGINE_URL}
 4  engineManagementToken: ${env:ENGINE_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN}
 5  studioUrl: ${env:STUDIO_URL}
 6  studioManagementToken: ${env:STUDIO_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN}
 7  translation:
 8    # Indicates if the translation features should be enabled for the target
 9    enable: false
10  search:
11    openSearch:
12      # Single Cluster
13      urls:
14        - ${env:SEARCH_URL}
15      username: ${env:SEARCH_USERNAME}
16      password: ${env:SEARCH_PASSWORD}
17      timeout:
18        # The connection timeout in milliseconds, if set to -1 the default will be used
19        connect: -1
20        # The socket timeout in milliseconds, if set to -1 the default will be used
21        socket: -1
22      # The number of threads to use, if set to -1 the default will be used
23      threads: -1
24      # Indicates if keep alive should be enabled for sockets used by the search client, defaults to false
25      keepAlive: false
27      # Multiple Clusters
28      #      readCluster:
29      #        urls:
30      #        username:
31      #        password:
32      #      writeClusters:
33      #        - urls:
34      #          username:
35      #          password:
36      #        - urls:
37      #          username:
38      #          password:
40      # Settings used for all indices
41      indexSettings:
42        - key: "index.mapping.total_fields.limit"
43          value : 3000
44        - key: "index.mapping.depth.limit"
45          value: 40
47      notifications:
48        mail:
49          server:
50            host: ${env:MAIL_HOST}
51            port: ${env:MAIL_PORT}


  • engineURL and engineManagementToken``are required for calling Engine APIs, and the environment variables (*env:VARIABLE_NAME*) values are set in the ``crafter-setenv.sh file

  • studioURL and studioManagementToken``are required for calling Studio APIs, and the environment variables (*env:VARIABLE_NAME*) values are set in the ``crafter-setenv.sh file

Target Configuration Files

Each deployment target has its own YAML configuration file, where the properties of the target and its entire deployment pipeline are specified. Without this file, the Deployer doesn’t know of the target’s existence. By default, these configuration files reside under ./config/targets (in the case of the CrafterCMS installed on a server, they’re under CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets).

Target configurations vary a lot between authoring and delivery since an authoring target works on a local repository while a delivery target pulls the files from a remote repository. But target configurations between the same environment don’t change a lot. Having said that, the following two examples can be taken as a base for most authoring/delivery target configuration files:

Authoring Target Configuration Example (editorial-preview.yaml)
 2  # Environment name
 3  env: preview
 4  # Site name
 5  siteName: editorial
 6  # Crafter Engine base URL
 7  engineUrl: http://localhost:8080
 8  # Path to the sandbox repository of the site
 9  localRepoPath: /opt/crafter/authoring/data/repos/sites/editorial/sandbox
10  deployment:
11    scheduling:
12      # Scheduling is disabled since Studio will call deploy on file save
13      enabled: false
14    pipeline:
15      # Calculates the Git differences with the latest commit processed
16      - processorName: gitDiffProcessor
17      # Performs Crafter Search indexing
18      - processorName: searchIndexingProcessor
19      # Calls Rebuild Context when a file under /scripts is changed
20      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
21        includeFiles: ["^/?scripts/.*$"]
22        method: GET
23        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/context/rebuild.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
24      # Calls Clear Cache
25      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
26        method: GET
27        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/cache/clear.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
28      # Generates a deployment output file
29      - processorName: fileOutputProcessor
Delivery Target Configuration Example (editorial-dev.yaml)
 2  # Environment name
 3  env: dev
 4  # Site name
 5  siteName: editorial
 6  # Crafter Engine base URL
 7  engineUrl: http://localhost:9080
 8  deployment:
 9    pipeline:
10      # Pulls the remote Git repository of the site
11      - processorName: gitPullProcessor
12        remoteRepo:
13          # URL of the remote repo
14          url: /opt/crafter/authoring/data/repos/sites/editorial/published
15          # Live of the repo to pull
16          branch: live
17      # Calculates the Git differences with the latest commit processed
18      - processorName: gitDiffProcessor
19      # Performs Crafter Search indexing
20      - processorName: searchIndexingProcessor
21      # Calls Rebuild Context when a file under /scripts is changed
22      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
23        includeFiles: ["^/?scripts/.*$"]
24        method: GET
25        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/context/rebuild.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
26      # Calls Clear Cache
27      - processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
28        method: GET
29        url: ${target.engineUrl}/api/1/site/cache/clear.json?crafterSite=${target.siteName}
30      # Generates a deployment output file
31      - processorName: fileOutputProcessor

As you can see from the examples above, most of the configuration belongs to the deployment pipeline section. Each of the YAML list entries is an instance of a DeploymentProcessor prototype Spring bean that is already defined in the base-context.xml file. If you want to define your own set of DeploymentProcessor beans you can add them on a new Spring context file based on the target’s YAML file name. Using the authoring example above, since the YAML file name is editorial-preview.yaml, the corresponding Spring context would be editorial-preview-context.xml. The Deployer out of the box provides the following processor beans:

  • gitPullProcessor: Clones a remote repository into a local path. If the repository has been cloned already, it performs a Git pull. This is useful for delivery targets which need to reach out to the authoring server to retrieve the changes on deployment. This must be the first processor in the list since the rest of the processors work on the local repository.

  • gitDiffProcessor: Calculates the diff between the latest commit in the local repository and the last commit processed, which is usually stored under ./processed-commits (in the folder CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/processed-commits). This diff is then used to build the change set of the deployment, so this processor should be the second on the list.

  • searchIndexingProcessor: grabs the files from the change set and sends them to Crafter Search for indexing. It also does some XML processing before submitting the files like flattening (recursive inclusion of components), merging of inherited XML and metadata extraction for structured document files like PDFs, Word Docs, etc.

  • httpMethodCallProcessor: executes an HTTP method call to a specified URL.

  • fileOutputProcessor: generates the deployment output and saves it to a CSV file.

  • mailNotificationProcessor: sends an email notification when there’s a successful deployment with file changes or when a deployment failed.

  • webhookNotificationProcessor: sends a webhook notification with the result of the deployment.

Deployer Configuration Properties

In this section, we will highlight some of the more commonly used properties in the configuration of Crafter Deployer.

Common Global Application Configuration Properties



Thread Pool Size

Allows you to configure the deployment pool

The properties listed above are configured in CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/application.yaml.

Common Target Configuration Properties



Single Search Cluster

Allows you to configure a target with a single search cluster

Multiple Search Engines or Search Engine Clusters

Allows you to configure a target with multiple search clusters

MIME types

Allows you to configure MIME types used for document indexing

Remote Documents Path Pattern

Allows you to configure remote documents path patterns used for document indexing

Metadata Path Pattern

Allows you to configure metadata path patterns used for document indexing

Notification Templates Override Locations

Allows you to configure override locations for notification templates

The target properties listed above may be configured in the following locations:

  • Global configuration file $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/base-target.yaml

  • Individual target configuration file $CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets/{siteName}-{environment}.yaml

Single Search Cluster

The following allows you to configure a target with a single search cluster. This is the most common configuration used, all operations will be performed on a single search cluster:

Target configuration for a single search cluster
 1  target:
 2    search:
 3      openSearch:
 4        # Single cluster
 5        urls:
 6          - ${env:SEARCH_URL}
 7        username: ${env:SEARCH_USERNAME}
 8        password: ${env:SEARCH_PASSWORD}
 9        timeout:
10          # The connection timeout in milliseconds, if set to -1 the default will be used
11          connect: -1
12          # The socket timeout in milliseconds, if set to -1 the default will be used
13          socket: -1
14        # The number of threads to use, if set to -1 the default will be used
15        threads: -1
16        # Indicates if keep alive should be enabled for sockets used by the search client, defaults to false
17        keepAlive: false

Multiple Search Engines or Search Engine Clusters

There may be cases where an enterprise needs to run multiple search engines or search engine clusters that carry the same data for extra redundancy beyond regular clustering. The following allows you to configure a target with multiple search clusters. In the configuration below, all read operations will be performed against one search cluster but write operations will be performed against all search clusters:

Target configuration for multiple search clusters
 1  target:
 2    search:
 3      openSearch:
 4        # Global auth, used for all clusters
 5        username: search
 6        password: passw0rd
 7        # Cluster for read operations
 8        readCluster:
 9          urls:
10            - 'http://read-cluster-node-1:9200'
11            - 'http://read-cluster-node-2:9200'
12            # This cluster will use the global auth
13        # Clusters for write operations
14        writeClusters:
15          - urls:
16            - 'http://write-cluster-1-node-1:9200'
17            - 'http://write-cluster-1-node-2:9200'
18            # This cluster will use the global auth
19          - urls:
20            - 'http://write-cluster-2-node-1:9200'
21            - 'http://write-cluster-2-node-2:9200'
22            # Override the global auth for this cluster
23            username: search2
24            password: passw0rd2

MIME types

The supportedMimeTypes configured in the base-target.yaml file determines what MIME types are used for indexing. The following is the default list of MIME types with full-text-search indexing enabled.

Default supported MIME types in base-target.yaml
 3  search:
 4    openSearch:
 5    ...
 6    binary:
 7      # The list of binary file mime types that should be indexed
 8      supportedMimeTypes:
 9        - application/pdf
10        - application/msword
11        - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
12        - application/vnd.ms-excel
13        - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
14        - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation

To add other MIME types to the list of MIME types with full-text-search indexing enabled, simply edit the override file CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/base-target.yaml and add to the list.

Say we want to add bitmaps to the supported MIME types, we’ll add the MIME type image/bmp to the list above under target.search.binary.supportedMimeTypes:

3  search:
4    openSearch:
5    ...
6    binary:
7      # The list of binary file mime types that should be indexed
8      supportedMimeTypes:
9        - image/bmp

For a list of common MIME types, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types.

Remote Documents Path Pattern

CrafterCMS can index documents that reside in remote repositories, but are pointed-to by CrafterCMS content. The remoteBinaryPathPatterns configured in the base-target.yaml file determines what a remote document is, within a content item, via the regex path pattern. The default for this is configured as follows:

Default remoteBinaryPathPatterns in base-target.yaml
 3  search:
 4    openSearch:
 5    ...
 6    binary:
 7      ...
 8    # The regex path patterns for binary/document files that are stored remotely
 9      remoteBinaryPathPatterns: &remoteBinaryPathPatterns
10        # HTTP/HTTPS URLs are only indexed if they contain the protocol (http:// or https://). Protocol relative
11        # URLs (like //mydoc.pdf) are not supported since the protocol is unknown to the back-end indexer.
12        - ^(http:|https:)//.+$
13        - ^/remote-assets/.+$

To add other remote document path patterns to the list, simply edit the override file CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/base-target.yaml and add to the list under target.search.binary.remoteBinaryPathPatterns.

Metadata Path Pattern

The metadataPathPatterns configured in the base-target.yaml file determines if a document should be indexed with the metadata of the object that points to it (a so-called “jacket”). The deployer will re-index the jacket and the document together whenever the jacket is updated. See Jacket for more information.

Default metadataPathPatterns in base-target.yaml
 3  search:
 4    openSearch:
 5    ...
 6    binary:
 7      ...
 8      # The regex path patterns for the metadata ("jacket") files of binary/document files
 9      metadataPathPatterns:
10        - ^/?site/documents/.+\.xml$

To add other jacket patterns to the list, simply edit the override file CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/base-target.yaml and add to the list under target.search.binary.metadataPathPatterns.

Thread Pool Size

As the number of sites grows you may need more workers (threads) in the Deployer to service them. If you do not add more workers then you will see errors in scheduled tasks. Eventually, the system will get through the workload with the workers it has available, and the error will stop, but the presence of these errors on a regular basis indicates that you need more workers in the pool.

There are two thread pools available. The deployment pool, which is used to run all deployments and the task scheduler pool, which is used for starting deployments on a schedule of every 10 secs. For deployments of sites with a lot content (big sites), we recommend increasing the deployment pool. For deployments with a lot of sites, we recommend increasing the task scheduler pool.

To increase the deployment pool, set the following items in CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/application.yaml as shown below:

CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/application.yaml - Deployment Pool
 2  main:
 3    deployments:
 4      pool:
 5        # Thread pool core size
 6        size: 25
 7        # Thread pool max size
 8        max: 100
 9        # Thread pool queue size
10        queue: 100

To increase the thread pool size of the task scheduler, set the poolSize property in CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/application.yaml as shown below:

CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/application.yaml - Task Scheduler Pool
2  main:
3    taskScheduler:
4      # Thread pool size of the task scheduler
5      poolSize: 20

Here’s a sample application.yaml file with the deployment pool and task thread pool configured:

Sample application.yaml file showing Deployment and Task Scheduler Pools
 2  main:
 3    taskScheduler:
 4      # Thread pool size of the task scheduler
 5      poolSize: 20
 6    config:
 7      environment:
 8        active: ${CRAFTER_ENVIRONMENT}
 9    targets:
10      config:
11        folderPath: ${targets.dir}
12    deployments:
13      pool:
14        # Thread pool core size
15        size: 25
16        # Thread pool max size
17        max: 100
18        # Thread pool queue size
19        queue: 100
20      folderPath: ${deployments.dir}
21      output:
22        folderPath: ${logs.dir}
23      processedCommits:
24        folderPath: ${processedCommits.dir}
25    logging:
26      folderPath: ${logs.dir}
27    management:
28      # Deployer management authorization token
29      authorizationToken: ${DEPLOYER_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN}
30    security:
31      encryption:
32        # The key used for encryption of configuration properties
33        key: ${CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY}
34        # The salt used for encryption of configuration properties
35        salt: ${CRAFTER_ENCRYPTION_SALT}
36      ssh:
37        # The path of the folder used for the SSH configuration
38        config: ${CRAFTER_SSH_CONFIG}

Notification Templates Override Locations

The mail and webhook notification processors uses templates for the notifications that are sent.

The mail notification processor by default uses the templates located in classpath:templates/mail. To change the mail templates location, simply set the mail.templates.overrideLocation property:

Default Mail Notification Processor Templates Location in base-target.yaml
2  mail:
3    templates:
4      # The location (Spring URL) of  the mail templates
5      location: classpath:templates/mail
6      # The override location (Spring URL) of the mail templates
7      overrideLocation: file:${deployer.main.config.folderPath}/templates/mail
8      # The name of the default mail template
9      default: default

The webhook notification processor by default uses the templates located in classpath:templates/webhook. To change the webhook templates location, simply set the webhook.templates.overrideLocation property:

Default Webhook Notification Processor Templates Location in base-target.yaml
 2  webhook:
 3    templates:
 4      # The location (Spring URL) of  the webhook templates
 5      location: classpath:templates/webhook
 6      # The override location (Spring URL) of the webhook templates
 7      overrideLocation: file:${deployer.main.config.folderPath}/templates/webhook
 8      # The name of the default template
 9      default: slack
10      # The suffix used to resolve the final name of a template
11      suffix: -template.ftl


How to Start/Stop the Deployer

If you’re using CrafterCMS installed on a server, starting and stopping the Deployer is very easy. From the command line, navigate to the {env-directory}, authoring or delivery environment folder, and then inside the bin folder, run ./crafter.sh start_deployer to start the Deployer or ./crafter.sh stop_deployer to stop the Deployer.

Manage Targets

Create a Target

There are two different ways in which a target configuration file can be created:

  • By calling the API endpoint createTarget, which creates a new target based on a template. The Deployer comes out of the box with two templates: one for local repositories (useful for authoring environments) and one for remote repositories (useful for delivery environments). You can also specify your templates under ./config/templates/targets, and use the same API endpoint to create targets based on those templates.

  • By placing the YAML target configuration file under ./config/targets (or CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets, like indicated above). The Deployer will automatically load the file on a schedule, and whenever there’s a change it will re-load it.

Update a Target

Updating a target is very similar to creating one:

  • Call the same API endpoint as create, but be sure that the replace parameter is true. OR

  • Make the changes directly in the target configuration file. On the next scheduled scan of targets, the Deployer will detect that the file has been modified and it will re-load it.

Delete a Target

There are two options for deleting a target:

  • Call the API endpoint deleteTarget.

  • Delete the target configuration file in the filesystem.

Target Templates

When you are creating a target in Crafter Deployer, you can use one of the included templates that can be easily customized with additional parameters during the creation.

Built-in Templates

All target templates support the following parameters:





The target’s environment (e.g. dev)


The target’s site name (e.g. mysite)


The target’s repository URL

Authoring Target

This is one of the templates used by Crafter Studio when a new project/site is created, this template will set up a target for Studio’s search features to index all content items.

This target will:

  • Identify the changed files according to the local Git repository history

  • Index all site content using the search engine


This target has no additional parameters.


When this target is used, the value of repo_url must be a local filesystem path

Local Target

This is the other template used by Crafter Studio when a new project is created, this template will create a target for previewing the project.

This target will:

  • Identify the changed files according to the local Git repository history

  • Index all project content in the search index

  • Rebuild Crafter Engine’s site context when there are changes in the configuration files or Groovy scripts

  • Clear Crafter Engine’s cache

  • Rebuild Crafter Engine’s project GraphQL schema when there are changes in the content-type definitions

  • Send email notifications if enabled






Disables the cron job that runs deployments every certain amount of time


The email addresses that should receive deployment notifications


When this target is used, the value of repo_url must be a local filesystem path

Remote Target

This is the default template used for Crafter Engine in delivery environments, it is very similar to the Local Target but it adds support for remote Git repositories.

This target will:

  • Clone the remote repository if needed

  • Pull the latest changes from the remote repository (discarding any local uncommitted or conflicting files)

  • Identify the changed files according to the Git repository history

  • Index all project content in the appropriate search engine

  • Rebuild Crafter Engine’s site context when there are changes in the configuration files or Groovy scripts

  • Clear Crafter Engine’s cache

  • Rebuild Crafter Engine’s project GraphQL schema when there are changes in the content-type definitions

  • Send email notifications if enabled






Disables the cron job that runs deployments every certain amount of time


The branch name of the remote Git repo to pull from


Username to access remote repository


Password to access remote repository


The path for the private key to access the remote repository


The passphrase for the private key to access the remote repository (only if the key is passphrase-protected)


The email addresses that should receive deployment notifications


When this target is used, the value of repo_url must be a supported Git URL (HTTP/S or SSH)

AWS S3 Target

This template is used for Crafter Engine in serverless delivery environments, it is very similar to the Remote Target but it adds support for syncing files to an AWS S3 bucket and handles AWS Cloudfront invalidations.

This target will:

  • Clone the remote repository if needed

  • Pull the latest changes from the remote repository (discarding any local uncommitted or conflicting files)

  • Identify the changed files according to the Git repository history

  • Index all project content in the search index

  • Sync all new, updated, and deleted files to an AWS S3 bucket

  • Execute an invalidation for all updated files in one or more AWS Cloudfront distributions

  • Submit deployments events for all Crafter Engine instances:

    • Rebuild the site context when there are changes in the configuration files or Groovy scripts

    • Clear Crafter Engine’s cache

    • Rebuild the site GraphQL schema when there are changes in the content-type definitions

  • Send email notifications if enabled






The AWS Region to use


The AWS Access Key to use


The AWS Secret Key to use


An array of AWS Cloudfront distribution ids to execute invalidations


The full AWS S3 URI of the folder to sync files


Disables the cron job that runs deployments every certain amount of time


The local path where to put the remote Git repo clone


The branch name of the remote Git repo to pull from


Username to access remote repository


Password to access remote repository


The path for the private key to access the remote repository


The passphrase for the private key to access the remote repository (only if the key is passphrase-protected)


The email addresses that should receive deployment notifications


When this target is used, the value of repo_url must be a supported Git URL (HTTP/S or SSH)


For more details about setting up a serverless delivery see Serverless Delivery

AWS CloudFormation Target

This template is used to provide a serverless delivery environment without the need to manually create all required resources in AWS. It works similarly to the AWS S3 Target but uses an AWS CloudFormation template to create the AWS resources on target creation: the S3 bucket where the site content will be stored and a CloudFront distribution that will front an Engine load balancer and deliver the static assets directly from the S3 bucket. These resources will be deleted when the target is deleted.

This target will:

  • Clone the remote repository if needed

  • Pull the latest changes from the remote repository (discarding any local uncommitted or conflicting files)

  • Identify the changed files according to the Git repository history

  • Index all project content in the search index

  • Sync all new, updated and deleted files to an AWS S3 bucket

  • Execute an invalidation for all updated files in the AWS CloudFront distribution

  • Submit deployments events for all Crafter Engine instances:

    • Rebuild the site context when there are changes in the configuration files or Groovy scripts

    • Clear Crafter Engine’s cache

    • Rebuild the site GraphQL schema when there are changes in the content-type definitions

  • Send email notifications if enabled






The AWS Region to use


The AWS Access Key to use for S3 and CloudFront


The AWS Secret Key to use for S3 and CloudFront


Prefix to use for CloudFormation resource names


The domain name of the Engine delivery LB


The ARN of the CloudFront SSL certificate


The alternate domain names for the CloudFront to use (must match the valid certificate domain names)


The AWS Access Key to use for CloudFormation


The AWS Secret Key to use for CloudFormation


Since 4.2.0



Disables the cron job that runs deployments every certain amount of time


The local path where to put the remoe Git repo clone


The branch name of the remote Git repo to pull from


Username to access remote repository


Password to access remote repository


The path for the private key to access remote repository


The passphrase for the private key to access remote repository (only if the key is passphrase-protected)


The email addresses that should receive deployment notifications


When this target is used, the value of repo_url must be a supported Git URL (HTTP or SSH)

Run Deployments

Crafter Deployer has an option of running scheduled deployments for a target (deployment.scheduling.enabled), which is enabled by default, but if you want to manually trigger a deployment, you just need to call the API endpoint deployTarget (or deployAllTargets). This will start the deployment if the request is correct. To watch the progress of a scheduled or manually triggered deployment, check the Deployer log. When the deployment has finished, and the target has a fileOutputProcessor in the deployment pipeline, a CSV file with the final result of that particular deployment will be written under ./logs (or CRAFTER_HOME/logs/deployer).

Processed Commits

Crafter Deployer keeps track of the most recent commit ID that was processed in the last deployment for each target, during a deployment, it will use this commit ID to get the list of files that have been changed in the repository. By default, the processed commits are stored in a folder (CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/processed-commits) as an individual file for each target (for example editorial-preview.commit). Each file contains only the commit ID will be used to track the changes during deployments:

Example of a processed commit file

If the repository is changed manually using Git commands instead of updating files using Crafter Studio it is possible that a deployment may find a conflict, for example, if a specific commit is deleted from the repository. In most cases, Crafter Deployer should be able to detect those conflicts and solve them automatically, however, if a deployment does not finish successfully you can follow the steps described in Troubleshooting Deployer Issues


Changing or deleting a processed commit file could cause unchanged files to be indexed again and it should be done as a last resort in case of errors.


Jackets are CrafterCMS content items that carry metadata about a binary file. Jackets _wrap_ a binary file and augment it with metadata that flows into the search index as a single document. This makes for a much richer and more effective search experience. Jackets are modeled as a content item like any other content item and can carry arbitrary fields.

Crafter Deployer can index the content of a binary document if it can be transformed to text or has textual metadata. For example, PDF files, Office files, etc. will be indexed and made full-text-searchable. When jacketed, these files will be indexed along with the metadata provided by the jacket.

Jackets are identified by their path and a regex that is configured at the Deployer configuration’s target level. Administrators must configure where jackets are located via the base-target.yaml configuration file found in CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/. Jacket files live under /site/documents by default.

An example of a how a jacket is resolved is to have a binary file /static-assets/documents/contracts/2024-contract.pdf, and the Deployer resolves its jacket at /site/documents/contracts/2024-contract.xml, extracts the XML content of the jacket, and indexes everything under /static-assets/documents/contracts/2024-contract.pdf

Below is an example Deployer configuration for jackets. Note that in the example below, jacket files live under /site/documents:

 3  search:
 4    openSearch:
 5    ...
 6    binary:
 7      # The list of binary file mime types that should be indexed
 8      supportedMimeTypes:
 9        - application/pdf
10        - application/msword
11        - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
12        - application/vnd.ms-excel
13        - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
14        - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
15      # The regex path patterns for the metadata ("jacket") files of binary/document files
16      metadataPathPatterns:
17        - ^/?site/documents/.+\.xml$
18      # The regex path patterns for binary/document files that are stored remotely
19      remoteBinaryPathPatterns: &remoteBinaryPathPatterns
20        # HTTP/HTTPS URLs are only indexed if they contain the protocol (http:// or https://). Protocol relative
21        # URLs (like //mydoc.pdf) are not supported since the protocol is unknown to the back-end indexer.
22        - ^(http:|https:)//.+$
23        - ^/remote-assets/.+$
24      # The regex path patterns for binary/document files that should be associated to just one metadata file and are
25      # dependant on that parent metadata file, so if the parent is deleted the binary should be deleted from the index
26      childBinaryPathPatterns: *remoteBinaryPathPatterns
27      # The XPaths of the binary references in the metadata files
28      referenceXPaths:
29        - //item/key
30        - //item/url
31      # Setting specific for authoring indexes
32      authoring:
33        # Xpath for the internal name field
34        internalName:
35          xpath: '*/internal-name'
36          includePatterns:
37            - ^/?site/.+$
38            - ^/?static-assets/.+$
39            - ^/?remote-assets/.+$
40            - ^/?scripts/.+$
41            - ^/?templates/.+$
42        contentType:
43          xpath: '*/content-type'
44        # Same as for delivery but include images and videos
45        supportedMimeTypes:
46          - application/pdf
47          - application/msword
48          - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
49          - application/vnd.ms-excel
50          - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
51          - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
52          - application/x-subrip
53          - image/*
54          - video/*
55          - audio/*
56          - text/x-freemarker
57          - text/x-groovy
58          - text/javascript
59          - text/css
60        # The regex path patterns for the metadata ("jacket") files of binary/document files
61        metadataPathPatterns:
62          - ^/?site/documents/.+\.xml$
63        binaryPathPatterns:
64          - ^/?static-assets/.+$
65          - ^/?remote-assets/.+$
66          - ^/?scripts/.+$
67          - ^/?templates/.+$
68        # Look into all XML descriptors to index all binary files referenced
69        binarySearchablePathPatterns:
70          - ^/?site/.+\.xml$
71        # Additional metadata such as contentLength, content-type specific metadata
72        metadataExtractorPathPatterns:
73          - ^/?site/.+$
74        excludePathPatterns:
75          - ^/?config/.*$
76        # Include all fields marked as remote resources (S3, Box, CMIS)
77        referenceXPaths:
78          - //item/key
79          - //item/url
80          - //*[@remote="true"]


Let’s take a look at an example of setting up jackets for binary content. We’ll use a project created using the Website Editorial blueprint, and do the following:

  1. Create a directory for binary content static-assets/documents, and the directory for storing the jackets /site/documents/ in your project

  2. Configure the Sidebar cabinet for the new content type created in a previous step and set up permissions for roles interacting with the documents

  3. Create content model for jackets and configure the project for the new content model

Let’s begin setting up a jacket for binary contents.

First, we’ll create the directory that will contain the binary content, static-assets/documents via Studio. On the Sidebar, scroll down to static-assets, then click on the more menu (the three dots) and select New Folder and type in Documents for the Folder Name.

Next, we’ll create the directory for storing the jackets in the project /site/documents/ using your favorite terminal program, add a .keep file inside the directory and finally add and commit it.

cd CRAFTER_HOME/data/repos/sites/SITENAME/sandbox
mkdir site/documents
touch site/documents/.keep
git add site/documents/.keep
git commit -m "Add documents folder"

The next step is to set up the Sidebar cabinet for our jackets in Studio. To add the cabinet, open the User Interface Configuration file by opening the Sidebar in Studio, then clicking on Project Tools -> Configuration -> User Interface Configuration. Scroll down to the ToolsPanel widget, and add a Documents widget under the Pages widget like below:

<widget id="craftercms.components.ToolsPanel">
      <widget id="craftercms.components.PathNavigatorTree">
      <widget id="craftercms.components.PathNavigatorTree">
          <icon id="@mui/icons-material/DescriptionOutlined"/>

We’ll now set up permissions for roles interacting with the documents. For our example, we’ll add permissions for the author role. Open the Permissions Mapping file by opening the Sidebar in Studio, then clicking on Project Tools -> Configuration -> Permissions Mapping. Scroll down to the <role name="author"> section, and add a regex for our /site/documents folder we created like below:

<role name="author">
  <rule regex="/site/website/.*">
  <rule regex="/site/documents|/site/documents/.*">

Next, we’ll create the content model for your jacket. To create a new content type, open the Content Types tool by opening the Sidebar in Studio, then clicking on Project Tools -> Content Types. Click on the Create New Type button, and use Document for the label and ID, and select Component for Type, then finally, click on the Create button.

For the content type, we will add an Item Selector control that we’ll name Asset, and a couple of data sources that will be bound to the control. We will use the /static-assets/documents folder we created earlier for the Repository Path of the two data sources we’ll be adding, a File Upload From Desktop data source that we’ll name Upload and a File Browse data source that we’ll name Existing. For the metadata in the jacket, it is up to you on what you’d like in the content model. For our example, we will add a Text Area control named Summary, and a Check Box control named Featured.

Jacket Content Model

Finally, we’ll set up our project for the content model we just created. Open the Project Configuration file by opening the Sidebar in Studio, then clicking on Project Tools -> Configuration -> Project Configuration. Scroll down to the <repository rootPrefix="/site"> section and add the folder /site/documents we created to the folders section. Next, scroll down to the <patterns> section. We’ll add /site/documents to the component group.

<repository rootPrefix="/site">
    <folder name="Pages" path="/website" read-direct-children="false" attach-root-prefix="true"/>
    <folder name="Components" path="/components" read-direct-children="false" attach-root-prefix="true"/>
    <folder name="Documents" path="/documents" read-direct-children="false" attach-root-prefix="false"/>
    <folder name="Taxonomy" path="/taxonomy" read-direct-children="false" attach-root-prefix="true"/>
    <!-- Item Patterns -->
      <pattern-group name="component">

Our content model for the jacket is now complete! To add a jacket to content uploaded in static-assets/documents, open the Sidebar and scroll to Documents. Open the cabinet then click on the three dots next to documents, then select New Content.

Create New Jacket Document

Fill in the fields on the form and save.

Fill In Form For New Jacket Document

Publish the changes. The binary content and jacket will now be indexed under the location of the binary content.

Deployer Processors

Crafter Deployer includes an extensive list of deployment processors that can be easily added to any target to meet specific requirements. Some examples of the use cases that can be addressed with deployment processors are:

  • Pushing content created/edited in Crafter Studio to an external git repository

  • Pulling content created/edited from an external git repository

  • Execute actions every time a deployment succeeds or fails


When adding processors or changing the deployment pipeline for a target keep in mind that the processors will be executed following the order defined in the configuration file and some processors require a specific position in the pipeline

Main Deployment Processors

The main deployment processors can do any task related to detecting a change-set (changed files) or processing a change-set (changed files) that were detected by other processors. To process a change-set, a processor may interact with any external service as needed.

All deployment processors support the following properties:



Default Value




Label that other processors can use to jump to this one



The label of the processor to jump to after a successful execution



List of regular expressions to check the files that should be included



List of regular expressions to check the files that should be excluded



Indicates if the processor should run even if there are no changes in the current deployment



Enables failing a deployment when there’s a processor failure


Since 4.1.1


Indicates the current ClusterMode the processor should run. Available values are:

  • PRIMARY: Run in primary instance only

  • REPLICA: Run in replica instances only

  • ALWAYS: Run in both primary and replica instances

The default value ALWAYS is used by the following processors

  • gitPullProcessor

  • gitDiffProcessor

  • gitUpdateCommitIdProcessor

Git Pull Processor

Processor that clones/pulls a remote Git repository into a local path on the filesystem.


This needs to be the first processor in the pipeline




Default Value



The URL of the remote Git repo to pull



The name to use for the remote repo when pulling from it


The default branch in the repo

The branch of the remote Git repo to pull


The username for authentication with the remote Git repo. Not needed when SSH with RSA key pair authentication is used.


The password for authentication with the remote Git repo. Not needed when SSH with RSA key pair authentication is used.


The SSH private key path, used only with SSH with RSA key pair authentication.


The SSH private key passphrase, used only with SSH withRSA key pair authentication.



Enables failing a deployment when there’s a processor failure.


Since 4.2.2


The fast forward mode to use when pulling changes from the remote repo. Supported values are: FF, NO_FF and FF_ONLY. See the jgit docs for more information on the supported fast forward mode values.


Since 4.2.2


The merge strategy to use. Supported values are: ours, theirs, simple-two-way-in-core, resolve, recursive. See the jgit docs for more information on the supported merge strategy values.


Since 4.2.2


The content merge strategy to handle conflicts. Supported values are CONFLICT, OURS, THEIRS, UNION. See the jgit docs for more information on the supported content merge strategy values.


Git Pull Processor using basic auth
1- processorName: gitPullProcessor
2  remoteRepo:
3    url: https://github.com/myuser/mysite.git
4    branch: live
5    username: myuser
6    password: mypassword

Git Pull Processor using SSH with RSA key pair
1- processorName: gitPullProcessor
2  remoteRepo:
3    url: https://github.com/myuser/mysite.git
4    branch: live
5    ssh:
6      privateKey:
7        path: /home/myuser/myprivatekey
8        passphrase: mypassphrase

Git Pull Processor with merge options
1- processorName: gitPullProcessor
2  fastForwardMode: FF_ONLY
3  contentMergeOption: CONFLICT
4  mergeStrategy: theirs
5  remoteRepo:
6    url: ......../repos/sites/ed1/published
7    branch: live

Git Diff Processor

Processor that, based on a previously processed commit that’s stored, does a diff with the current commit of the deployment, to find out the change-set. If there is no previously processed commit, then the entire repository becomes the change-set.


This processor needs to be placed after the gitPullProcessor and before any other processor like the searchIndexingProcessor




Default Value




Indicates if the git log details should be included in the change set



Indicates if the processed commit value should be modified



Enables failing a deployment when there’s a processor failure


Git Diff Processor
1- processorName: gitDiffProcessor
2  includeGitLog: true

Git Push Processor

Processor that pushes a local repo to a remote Git repository.




Default Value



The branch of the local repo to push


The URL of the remote Git repo to push to


The default branch in the repo

The branch of the remote Git repo to push to


The username for authentication with the remote Git repo. Not needed when SSH with RSA key pair authentication is used


The password for authentication with the remote Git repo. Not needed when SSH with RSA key pair authentication is used


The SSH private key path, used only with SSH with RSA key pair authentication


The SSH private key passphrase, used only with SSH withRSA key pair authentication



Sets the force preference for the push



If all local branches should be pushed to the remote


Git Push Processor using basic auth
1- processorName: gitPushProcessor
2  remoteRepo:
3    url: https://github.com/myuser/mysite.git
4    branch: deployed
5    username: myuser
6    password: mypassword
Git Push Processor using SSH with RSA key pair
1- processorName: gitPushProcessor
2  remoteRepo:
3    url: https://github.com/myuser/mysite.git
4    branch: deployed
5    ssh:
6      privateKey:
7        path: /home/myuser/myprivatekey
8        passphrase: mypassphrase

Git Update Commit Id Processor

Processor that updates the processed commits value with the current commit.


Git Update Commit Id Processor
1- processorName: gitUpdateCommitIdProcessor

Groovy Script Processor

A custom Groovy processor that can process published content.




Default Value



The relative path of the script to execute


The default path scripts are loaded from is $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/processors/scripts


Groovy Script Processor
1- processorName: scriptProcessor
2  scriptPath: 'myscripts/mychanges.groovy'

The following variables are available for use in your scripts:

Variable Name



The processor’s logger, http://www.slf4j.org/api/org/slf4j/Logger.html


The application context of the current target, https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/ApplicationContext.html


The current deployment, http://javadoc.craftercms.org/4.2.2/deployer/org/craftercms/deployer/api/Deployment.html


The execution for this processor, http://javadoc.craftercms.org/4.2.2/deployer/org/craftercms/deployer/api/ProcessorExecution.html


A subset of originalChangeSet that matches the includeFiles pattern and not the excludeFiles pattern for this processor, http://javadoc.craftercms.org/4.2.2/deployer/org/craftercms/deployer/api/ChangeSet.html


The original change set returned by the previous processors in the pipeline, http://javadoc.craftercms.org/4.2.2/deployer/org/craftercms/deployer/api/ChangeSet.html

Let’s take a look at an example script that you can use for the Groovy script processor. Below is a script that only includes a file from the change-set if a parameter is present in the deployment:

Example Groovy script to be run by a script processor
 1import org.craftercms.deployer.api.ChangeSet
 3logger.info("starting script execution")
 5def specialFile = "/site/website/expensive-page-to-index.xml"
 7// if the file has been changed but the param was not sent then remove it from the change set
 8if (originalChangeSet.getUpdatedFiles().contains(specialFile) && !deployment.getParam("index_expensive_page")) {
 9    originalChangeSet.removeUpdatedFile(specialFile)
12// return the new change set
13return originalChangeSet

File Based Deployment Event Processor

Processor that triggers a deployment event that consumers of the repository (Crafter Engine instances) can subscribe to by reading a specific file from the repository.




Default Value




Relative path of the deployment events file


Name of the event to trigger


File Based Deployment Event Processor
1- processorName: fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor
2  eventName: 'events.deployment.rebuildContext'

Command Line Processor

Processor that runs a command line process (e.g. a shell script).




Default Value



Deployer’s directory

The directory from which the process will run


The full command that the process will run



The amount of seconds to wait for the process to finish



Additional parameters will be added to the command

Example: script.sh SITE_NAME OPERATION (CREATE | UPDATE | DELETE) FILE (relative path of the file)


Command Line Processor
1- processorName: commandLineProcessor
2  workingDir: '/home/myuser/myapp/bin'
3  command: 'myapp -f --param1=value1'

Search Indexing Processor

Processor that indexes the files on the change-set, using one or several BatchIndexer. After the files have been indexed it submits a commit.




Default Value




If the index ID should be ignored


Value of siteName

The specific index ID to use



Flag that indicates that if a component is updated, all other pages and components that include it should be updated too


Search Indexing Processor
1- processorName: searchIndexingProcessor

HTTP Method Call Processor

Processor that does a HTTP method call.




Default Value



The URL to call


The HTTP method


HTTP Method Call Processor
1- processorName: httpMethodCallProcessor
2  method: GET
3  url: 'http://localhost:8080/api/1/site/cache/clear.json?crafterSite=mysite'

Delay Processor

Processor that pauses the pipeline execution for a given number of seconds.




Default Value




Amount of seconds to wait


Delay Processor
1- processorName: delayProcessor
2  seconds: 10

Find And Replace Processor

Processor that replaces a pattern on the content of the created or updated files.


The files changed by this processor will not be committed to the git repository and will be discarded when the next deployment starts.




Default Value



Regular expression to search in files


Expression to replace the matches



Enables failing a deployment when there’s a processor failure


Find And Replace Processor
1- processorName: findAndReplaceProcessor
2  textPattern: (/static-assets/[^&quot;&lt;]+)
3  replacement: 'http://mycdn.com$1'

AWS Processors

All deployment processors related to AWS services support the following properties:



Default Value



If not provided the AWS SDK

default providers will be


The AWS Region


The AWS Access Key


The AWS Secret Key


AWS S3 bucket URL to upload files



Enables failing a deployment when there’s a processor failure

S3 Sync Processor

Processor that syncs files to an AWS S3 Bucket.


S3 Sync Processor
1- processorName: s3SyncProcessor
2  url: s3://serverless-sites/site/mysite
S3 Deployment Events Processor

Processor that uploads the deployment events to an AWS S3 Bucket




Default Value




URL of the deployment events file, relative to the local git repo


S3 Deployment Events Processor
1- processorName: s3DeploymentEventsProcessor
2  region: ${aws.region}
3  accessKey: ${aws.accessKey}
4  secretKey: ${aws.secretKey}
5  url: {{aws.s3.url}}
Cloudfront Invalidation Processor

Processor that invalidates the changed files in the given AWS Cloudfront distributions.




Default Value



List of distributions ids


Cloud Front Invalidation Processor
1- processorName: cloudfrontInvalidationProcessor
2  distributions:

Post Deployment Processors

The post deployment processors assume that all changed files have been handled and the result of the deployment is already known (either successful or failed) and take actions based on those results, because of that, these processors need to be placed after all main deployment processors to work properly.

File Output Processor

Post processor that writes the deployment result to an output CSV file under CRAFTER_HOME/logs/deployer for later access, whenever a deployment fails or files were processed.


File Output Processor
1- processorName: fileOutputProcessor

Notification Processors

All deployment processors related to notification processors support the following properties:



Default Value



The name of the Freemarker template used for email creation.


The hostname of the email server.



The status condition that triggers the notification. Possible values are:

  • SUCCESS: Notifications sent for successful deployments

  • ON_ANY_STATUS: Notifications sent for all deployments

  • ON_ANY_FAILURE: Notifications sent for deployments where at least one processor has failed

  • ON_TOTAL_FAILURE: Notifications will be sent for deployments in which the general status indicates failure


Since 4.2.2

A regex pattern to match the failed processors name that trigger the notification.


Since 4.2.2


The number of minutes to wait before sending another notification for the same processor.


Since 4.2.2


The suffix to use when creating the last notification date file. This allows multiple notification processors for the same target.


The date time pattern to use when specifying a date in the message.

Mail Notification Processor

Post processor that sends an email notification with the result of a deployment, whenever a deployment fails or files were processed. The output file generated by the fileOutputProcessor is attached if it’s available. To change the location of mail templates, see the corresponding section in Notification Templates Override Locations




Default Value




The name of the Freemarker template used for email creation



The value of the From field in the emails


The value of the To field in the emails


Deployment Report

The value of the Subject field in the emails



Whether the emails are HTML


Current local host name

The hostname of the email server


MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z

The date time pattern to use when specifying a date in the email



The status condition that triggers the notification. See above for possible values.


A regex pattern to match the failed processors name that trigger the notification.



The number of minutes to wait before sending another notification for the same processor.



The suffix to use when creating the last notification date file.


Mail Notification Processor for any failure
1- processorName: mailNotificationProcessor
2  to:
3    - admin@example.com
4    - author@example.com
5  status: ON_ANY_FAILURE
Mail Notification Processor with mute period
1- processorName: mailNotificationProcessor
2  to:
3    - test@example.com
4  mutePeriodMinutes: 2
5  lastDateFilenameSuffix: -error

Webhook Notification Processor
Since 4.2.2

Post processor that sends a webhook notification with the result of the deployment. The processor will be included in remote target template if webhook_url param is provided to the add target API. See the example below.

A default template for webhook notifications templates/webhook/slack-template.ftl is provided out-of-the-box. To change the location of webhook templates, see the corresponding section in Notification Templates Override Locations




Default Value



The URL to send the webhook notification to.



The HTTP method to use.



The content type of the request body.


Webhook Notification Processor
1{{#if webhook_url}}
2- processorName: webhookNotificationProcessor
3  status: ON_ANY_FAILURE
4  mutePeriodMinutes: {{#if mute_period_minutes}}{{mute_period_minutes}}{{else}}60{{/if}}
5  url: {{webhook_url}}
6  method: POST

Full Pipeline Example

The following example shows how the deployment processors work together to deliver a serverless site using AWS services.

Serverless Delivery Pipeline
 2  # -------------------- START OF MAIN PIPELINE --------------------
 4  # First clone or update the local repository from github
 5  - processorName: gitPullProcessor
 6    remoteRepo:
 7      url: https://github.com/myuser/mysite.git
 8      branch: live
 9      username: myuser
10      password: my_secret_password
12  # Then find the added/changed/deleted files since the previous pull (if any)
14  - processorName: gitDiffProcessor
16  # Change all references to static-assets to use a CDN URL instead of the local URL
17  - processorName: findAndReplaceProcessor
18    includeFiles: ['^/site/.*$', '^/templates/.*$', '^/static-assets/.*(js|css|html)$']
19    textPattern: (/static-assets/[^&quot;&lt;]+)
20    replacement: 'http://d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net$1'
22  # Index the changes in search
23  - processorName: searchIndexingProcessor
25  # Sync the changes in a S3 bucket
26  - processorName: s3SyncProcessor
27    url: s3://serverless-sites/site/mysite
29  # Add a small delay to allow the S3 changes to propagate
30  - processorName: delayProcessor
32  # Invalidate the changed files in the CDN
33  - processorName: cloudfrontInvalidationProcessor
34    includeFiles: ['^/static-assets/.*$']
35    distributions:
36      - E15UHQPTKROC8Z
38  # Trigger deployment events so any Crafter Engine listening can update accordingly:
39  # Rebuild the site context if any config or script has changed
40  - processorName: fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor
41    includeFiles: ["^/?config/.*$", "^/?scripts/.*$"]
42    excludeFiles: ['^/config/studio/content-types/.*$']
43    eventName: 'events.deployment.rebuildContext'
45  # Clear the cache if any static-asset has changed
46  - processorName: fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor
47    excludeFiles: ['^/static-assets/.*$']
48    eventName: 'events.deployment.clearCache'
50  # Rebuild the GraphQL schema if any content-type has changed
51  - processorName: fileBasedDeploymentEventProcessor
52    includeFiles: ['^/config/studio/content-types/.*$']
53    eventName: 'events.deployment.rebuildGraphQL'
55  # Push the updated events to the S3 bucket
56  - processorName: s3SyncProcessor
57    includeFiles: ['^/?deployment-events\.properties$']
58    url: s3://serverless-sites/site/mysite
60  # -------------------- END OF MAIN PIPELINE --------------------
61  # Only Post Processors can be in this section
63  # Record the result of the deployment to a CSV file
64  - processorName: fileOutputProcessor
66  # Notify the site admin & an author if there were any failures during the deployment
67  - processorName: mailNotificationProcessor
68    to:
69      - admin@example.com
70      - author@example.com
71    status: ON_ANY_FAILURE

Custom Processors

Crafter Deployer can be easily configured to match different needs but in case additional features are needed it is also possible to include custom libraries by following this guide:

Step 1: Create the custom processor

Custom processors are completely free to use any third party library or SDK, the only requisite is to define a class that implements the DeploymentProcessor interface.


It is highly recommended to extend AbstractDeploymentProcessor or AbstractMainDeploymentProcessor instead of just implementing the interface.

These classes can be accessed by adding a dependency in your project:


Step 2: Add the custom processor

Custom processors are included to the Crafter Deployer classpath by adding all the required jar files in the following folder:



Make sure to carefully review all other dependencies in your project to make sure there are no conflicts with the libraries used by Crafter Deployer or any other custom processor.

Step 3: Configure the custom processor

Once the custom processor is placed in the classpath, the only remaining step is to create o update a target to use it. All configuration files for targets will be placed in the following folder:


First you need to create or update a context file to define all beans required by the custom processor, the file should be have the name {site}-{env}-context.xml:

<bean id="externalService" class="com.example.Service">
  <property name="url" value="${service.url}"/>
  <property name="port" value="${service.port}"/>

<bean id="myCustomProcessor" class="com.example.CustomProcessor" parent="deploymentProcessor">
  <property name="service" ref="externalService"/>


The parent bean is provided by Crafter Deployer and it includes common configuration used by the AbstractDeploymentProcessor and AbstractMainDeploymentProcessor classes.

Once the bean has been defined it can be added to the target’s pipeline in the yaml file with the matching name {site}-{env}.yaml:

  env: preview
  siteName: mySite
      enabled: false
      - processorName: myCustomProcessor
        username: john
        password: passw0rd!
  url: http://www.example.com
  port: 8080

Any change in the classpath will require a restart of Crafter Deployer, changes in configuration files will be applied when the target is reloaded.

Search Configuration

Crafter Deployer provides two ways to use search:

Single Search Cluster

This is the most common configuration used, all operations will be performed on a single search cluster:

Target configuration for a single search cluster
 1  target:
 2    search:
 3      openSearch:
 4        # Single cluster
 5        urls:
 6          - ${env:SEARCH_URL}
 7        username: ${env:SEARCH_USERNAME}
 8        password: ${env:SEARCH_PASSWORD}
 9        timeout:
10          # The connection timeout in milliseconds, if set to -1 the default will be used
11          connect: -1
12          # The socket timeout in milliseconds, if set to -1 the default will be used
13          socket: -1
14        # The number of threads to use, if set to -1 the default will be used
15        threads: -1
16        # Indicates if keep alive should be enabled for sockets used by the search client, defaults to false
17        keepAlive: false

Multiple Search Clusters

Using this configuration all read operations will be performed on one search cluster but write operations will be performed on multiple search clusters:

Target configuration for multiple search clusters
 1  target:
 2    search:
 3      openSearch:
 4        # Global auth, used for all clusters
 5        username: search
 6        password: passw0rd
 7        # Cluster for read operations
 8        readCluster:
 9          urls:
10            - 'http://read-cluster-node-1:9200'
11            - 'http://read-cluster-node-2:9200'
12            # This cluster will use the global auth
13        # Clusters for write operations
14        writeClusters:
15          - urls:
16            - 'http://write-cluster-1-node-1:9200'
17            - 'http://write-cluster-1-node-2:9200'
18            # This cluster will use the global auth
19          - urls:
20            - 'http://write-cluster-2-node-1:9200'
21            - 'http://write-cluster-2-node-2:9200'
22            # Override the global auth for this cluster
23            username: search2
24            password: passw0rd2

Configuration Files

The search configuration can be changed in two places:

  1. Global configuration file $CRAFTER_HOME/bin/crafter-deployer/config/base-target.yaml, this will be applied to all targets loaded.

  2. Individual target configuration file $CRAFTER_HOME/data/deployer/targets/{siteName}-{environment}.yaml


To view the Crafter Deployer REST APIs:

or in a new tab

Source Code

Crafter Deployer’s source code is managed in GitHub: https://github.com/craftercms/deployer