JavaScript SDK
CrafterCMS has a JavaScript SDK that enables easy interaction with several CrafterCMS modules/utilities for creating websites and applications.
The JavaScript SDK has the following packages published on NPM:
@craftercms/content - Contains services for retrieving content and navigation using APIs offered by CrafterCMS.
@craftercms/classes - Contains useful classes for developing CrafterCMS websites & applications.
@craftercms/models - Contains data model definitions of different structures of CrafterCMS. These interfaces are useful when developing in TypeScript.
@craftercms/redux - Contains tools for integrating your application with Crafter Engine and Crafter Search using Redux as the state container.
@craftercms/search - Contains tools for integrating your application with Crafter Search.
@craftercms/utils - Contains various utilities useful when developing with CrafterCMS
@craftercms/ice - Contains JavaScript utilities to use CrafterCMS In Context Editing in your Apps and Sites
The Video Center Blueprint in the Public Marketplace is an example of using the above JavaScript SDK NPM packages.
@craftercms/experience-builder - Contains JavaScript utilities to integrate Experience Builder in your Apps and Sites
@craftercms/studio-ui - Contains tools to enable building CrafterCMS extensions using all of its native UI components, utils and APIs
The Authoring Plugin Examples repo showcases how to use the above JavaScript SDK packages to build Authoring Plugins.
Compatibility with CrafterCMS Version
Beginning with versions released after 4.3.0, CrafterCMS NPM libraries will adopt Semantic Versioning instead of having the same version number as the product. The compatibility information between your CrafterCMS installation and the corresponding SDK versions is as follows:
CrafterCMS Version |
4.3 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
4.3.0 |
Older versions should use the SDK with a matching version number. Example, CrafterCMS 4.2.2 should use SDK version 4.2.2.