• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.2.0

Engine Security

Engine SAML2 Configuration Enterprise only feature

Since 4.0.3


This document only applies to CrafterCMS version 4.0.3 and later
Please see here for version 4.0.2 and earlier.


This guide includes SAML2 specific configuration only, for a general guide see Engine Project Security Guide

Crafter Engine can be configured to support SAML2 SSO out of the box without using any additional plugin.


  1. A SAML2 compatible Identity Provider properly configured, this configuration will not be covered here

  2. A private key and certificate. This can be generated like so:

    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout rp-private.key -x509 -days 365 -out rp-certificate.crt

    Take note of the values of the following options used to generate your key and certificate that will be used later for configuring Crafter Engine:

    • keyout: The value used for this option wil be used in the crafter.security.saml.rp.privateKey.location property

    • out: The value used for this option will be used in the crafter.security.saml.rp.certificate.location property

Update the Configuration

To configure Engine SAML2, in your Delivery installation, we need to enable SAML security then we’ll setup the required SAML configuration properties.

To enable SAML security, go to CRAFTER_HOME/bin, open the crafter-setenv.sh file and uncomment the line export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=crafter.engine.samlSecurity:

# -------------------- Spring Profiles --------------------
# Uncomment to enable SAML security
export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=crafter.engine.samlSecurity
# For multiple active spring profiles, create comma separated list

Next we’ll setup SAML configuration properties. Go to CRAFTER_HOME/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/engine/extension and add/uncomment the following lines to server-config.properties (of course, make any appropriate configuration changes according to your system):

 2# SAML2 Security Properties #
 4# SAML attributes mapping
 6# SAML roles mapping
 8# SAML attribute role key
11##         SAML Security Relying Party (SP) configuration    ##
13# {baseUrl} and {registrationId} are pre-defined macros and should not be modified
14# SAML relying party (SP) registration ID. {registrationId} macro will be replaced with this value
16# SAML relying party (SP) entity ID and metadata endpoint
18# SAML relying party (SP) login processing url. Must end with {registrationId}
20# SAML relying party (SP) assertion consumer service location. Must end with {registrationId}
22# SAML relying party (SP) assertion consumer service biding (POST or REDIRECT)
24# SAML relying party (SP) logout URL
26# SAML relying party (SP) single logout service location
28# SAML relying party (SP) logout service binding (POST or REDIRECT)
30# SAML relying party (SP) metadata endpoint
32# SAML relying party (SP) private key location
34# SAML relying party (SP) certificate location
37##      SAML Security Asserting Party (IdP) configuration    ##
39# SAML asserting party (IdP) entity ID:
41# SAML asserting party (IdP) single sign on service location
43# SAML asserting party (IdP) single sign on service binding (POST or REDIRECT)
45# SAML asserting party (IdP) logout service location
47# SAML asserting party (IdP) logout service binding (POST or REDIRECT)
49# SAML asserting party (IdP) want authn request signed
51# SAML asserting party (IdP) certificate location
54##            SAML Security other configuration              ##
56# SAML Web SSO profile options: authenticate the user silently
58# SAML Web SSO profile options: force user to re-authenticate


  • crafter.security.saml.attributes.mappings: List of mappings to apply for attributes, every attribute sent by the IDP will be compared against this list and will be available as described in Access User Attributes. Each mapping is comprised of the original name of the attribute, sent by the IDP, and attribute which will be the new name of the attribute in Engine

  • crafter.security.saml.roles.mappings:List of mappings to apply for roles, every role sent by the IDP will be compared against this list. Each mapping is comprised of the original name of the role, sent by the IDP, and role which will be the new name of the role in Engine

  • crafter.security.saml.rp.privateKey.location: The path of the relying party (SP) private key in the classpath

  • crafter.security.saml.rp.certificate.location: The path of the relying party (SP) certificate in the classpath

  • crafter.security.saml.ap.entityId: The asserting party (IdP) entity ID

  • crafter.security.saml.ap.single.signOn.service.location: The asserting party (IdP) single sign on URL

  • crafter.security.saml.ap.single.logout.service.location: The asserting party (IdP) single logout URL

  • crafter.security.saml.ap.certificate.location: The path of the asserting party (IdP) certificate in the classpath

  • crafter.security.saml.webSSOProfileOptions.passive: Indicates if user is authenticated silently

  • crafter.security.saml.webSSOProfileOptions.forceAuthn: Indicates if user will be forced to re-authenticate

The classpath is located in your CrafterCMS installation, under CRAFTER_HOME/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes. As shown in the example above, the relying party private key is located in your CrafterCMS installation under CRAFTER_HOME/bin/apache-tomcat/shared/classes/crafter/engine/extension/saml folder.

# SAML relying party (SP) private key location

Restart your installation after configuring the above.

You should now be able to test the SAML2 authentication and if there are no configuration or communication errors you will be redirected to the SSO login page when trying to access a secured page and then automatically return to your project in Crafter Engine.


If you are configuring SAML2 authentication in an authoring environment, you need to make sure that your IDP is configured to allow the login to be displayed in an iframe element by setting the right values for the Content-Security-Policy header. You can find more information here.

Configure Headers Based Authentication Enterprise only feature

Crafter Engine is able to integrate with any authentication system that sends custom HTTP headers containing information that will be used to authenticate the user in Engine. This section details how to setup Engine for headers based authentication.

To enable Engine headers based authentication:

  • Set security.headers.standalone to true

  • Set the URLs requiring authentication

Additionally, optional role mappings are available that allows mapping names from the external authentication to simple role names to use in the page or URL restrictions. Optional attribute mappings are also available which allow exposing attributes from the external authentication authority.

To enable Engine headers based authentication, open the Engine project configuration file site-config.xml.

Set security.headers.standalone to true

Engine Project Configuration - Enable headers authentication

Next, configure the URLs you require authentication by setting url to desired value and expression to isAuthenticated() like below:

Engine Project Configuration - setup url restrictions

See Restrict URLs for more information on expressions that can be used.

From the above configuration, here are the headers that Engine expects to be provided:

  • CRAFTER_secure_key (required)

  • CRAFTER_username (required)

  • CRAFTER_email (required)

  • CRAFTER_groups


It is also possible to change the prefix and names for the headers:

Engine Project Configuration - change default header names
 2  <headers>
 3    ...
 4    <names>
 5     <!-- Prefix that will be used for all headers, defaults to 'CRAFTER_' -->
 6     <prefix>MY_APP_</prefix>
 8     <!-- Name for the header containing the username, defaults to 'username' -->
 9     <username>user</username>
11     <!-- Name for the header containing the email, defaults to 'email' -->
12     <email>address</email>
14     <!-- Name for the header containing the groups, defaults to 'groups' -->
15     <groups>roles</groups>
17     <!-- Name for the header containing the token, defaults to 'secure_key' -->
18     <token>verification</token>
20    </names>
21    ...
22  </headers>


For CrafterCMS versions prior to 3.1.14, the prefix for the headers is MELLON_ and can’t be changed via project configuration

The default value of the token is my_secure_token. Remember to replace the default value by setting security.headers.token to secure your installation. In the example below, the token is now set to CHANGE_MY_TOKEN_VALUE

Engine Project Configuration - Change the default value of the token

Optional Role Mappings

To add optional role mappings, add the following inside the <headers> tag:

Engine Project Configuration - setup optional role mappings in header
        <name>APP_GROUP_NAME</name>    <!-- The name of the group in the header -->
        <role>ROLE_name_of_role</role> <!-- The name of the role in the authentication object -->


  • name: The name of the group in the header. The APP_ prefix shown above is just an example and could be anything.

  • role: The name of the role in the authentication object. Remember to add ROLE_ to the name of the role in the authentication object. So, if mapping the role user, it will be <role>ROLE_user</role>

Optional Attributes

To add optional attributes, add the following inside the <headers> tag:

Engine Project Configuration - setup optional attributes in header
 2  <headers>
 3    ...
 4    <!-- Optional attribute mappings, allows to expose attributes from the external auth -->
 5    <attributes>
 6      <attribute>
 7        <name>APP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME</name>   <!-- The name of the attribute in the header, excluding the prefix -->
 8        <field>name</field>               <!-- The name of the attribute in the authentication object -->
 9      </attribute>
10    </attributes>
11    ...
12  </headers>


  • name: The name of the attribute in the header, with the prefix removed. (if your prefix is CRAFTER_ then the header value would be CRAFTER_APP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, and you should enter APP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME in this tag.)

  • field: The name of the attribute that will be created in the authentication object.

To get the value of the attribute passed in the header, use the following authToken.principal.attributes.name,

where name is the name of the attribute in the authentication object.


Let’s take a look at an example of setting up Engine headers authentication using a project created using the Website Editorial blueprint named My Editorial. We will also change the default value for the token header. We’ll then take a look at an example of setting up Engine headers authentication with optional role mappings and attribute.

Simple Example Setting Up Engine Headers Authentication

Open the Engine site-config.xml file in Studio, by navigating from the Sidebar to Project Tools > Configuration, and finally picking up the Engine Project Configuration option from the list.

You can also access the site-config.xml using your favorite editor under CRAFTER_HOME/data/repos/sites/SITENAME/sandbox/config/engine/site-config.xml

Add the following, where we are enabling Engine headers authentication and requiring authentication for all URLs in the project in addition to changing the default value for the token to my_updated_token. :

Engine Project Configuration - Example enabling headers authentication
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Save your changes and remember to publish the file /config/engine/site-config.xml to see the Engine headers authentication in action in delivery.

Now, try viewing the Home page without the header attributes required, by entering in your browser localhost:9080?crafterSite=my-editorial. The Home page will not be displayed without the required header attributes.

Website Editorial Home Page view without the headers sent

This time, try viewing the Home page with the following header attributes and values:

  • CRAFTER_secure_key: my_updated_token

  • CRAFTER_username: jsmith

  • CRAFTER_email: jsmith@example.com

You should now see the Home page displayed

Website Editorial Home Page view with the headers sent

See Engine Configuration for more information on how to access the site-config.xml file.

Example Setting Up Engine Headers Authentication with Optional Role Mappings and Attributes

We’ll now take a look at another example where we setup optional role mappings and attributes.

We’ll setup the admin and the user roles and add the attribute APP_FULL_NAME. We’ll try to restrict access to /articles/** for users with the user or admin role, then we’ll try to display the APP_FULL_NAME value passed from the headers in our project. Remember that the ROLE_ prefix is required

Open the Engine site-config.xml file in Studio, by navigating from the Sidebar to Project Tools > Configuration, and finally picking up the Engine Project Configuration option from the dropdown.

Add the following to setup the admin and user role, and the attribute APP_FULL_NAME:

Engine Project Configuration - Example Engine headers authentication with optional role mappings and attribute
 2  <urlRestrictions>
 3    <restriction>
 4      <url>/articles/**</url>
 5      <expression>hasAnyRole('user'\,'admin')</expression>
 6    </restriction>
 7  </urlRestrictions>
 8  <headers>
 9    <standalone>true</standalone>
10    <token>my_updated_token</token>
11    <!-- Optional role mappings, allows to map names from the external auth to simple role names to use in the page or url restrictions -->
12    <!-- The APP_ prefix is just an example, the values can be anything -->
13    <!-- The ROLE_ prefix is is required for the name of the role -->
14    <groups>
15      <group>
16        <name>APP_ADMIN</name> <!-- The name of the group in the header -->
17        <role>ROLE_admin</role>     <!-- The name of the role in the authentication object -->
18      </group>
19      <group>
20        <name>APP_USER</name> <!-- The name of the group in the header -->
21        <role>ROLE_user</role>     <!-- The name of the role in the authentication object -->
22      </group>
23    </groups>
24    <!-- Optional attribute mappings, allows to expose attributes from the external auth -->
25    <attributes>
26      <attribute>
27        <name>APP_FULL_NAME</name> <!-- The name of the attribute in the header -->
28        <field>name</field>        <!-- The name of the attribute in the authentication object -->
29      </attribute>
30    </attributes>
31  </headers>

For the expression in the URL restriction, remember to escape the comma as shown above <expression>hasAnyRole('user'\,'admin')</expression>

When we send the following headers:

  • CRAFTER_secure_key: my_updated_token

  • CRAFTER_username: jsmith

  • CRAFTER_email: jsmith@example.com

Notice that when we try to view an article, since the user does not have either admin or user role, the page is not available and will display the following message: The user doesn't have enough rights to access the page. In our example below, we tried previewing the article Top Books For Young Women with the headers listed above and is shown the message below:

Website Editorial Article Page view without the proper role for the user

Let’s now try sending the headers again, but this time with the role APP_USER for our user

  • CRAFTER_secure_key: my_updated_token

  • CRAFTER_username: jsmith

  • CRAFTER_email: jsmith@example.com

  • CRAFTER_groups: APP_USER

Notice that this time, we are able to preview the article correctly

Website Editorial Article Page view without the proper role for the user

The website editorial blueprint displays the value of the attribute with field name out of the box in the page header. You can take a look at the header.ftl file on how the attribute is displayed. Open the Sidebar in Studio, then navigate to /templates/web/components/ then right click on header.ftl and select Edit. The authToken.principal.attributes.name contains the value passed for APP_FULL_NAME in the header

 1<#import "/templates/system/common/cstudio-support.ftl" as studio />
 2<header id="header" <@studio.componentAttr component=contentModel ice=true iceGroup="header"/>>
 3  <a href="/" class="logo"><img border="0" alt="${contentModel.logo_text_t!""}" src="${contentModel.logo_s!""}">
 4    <#if (authToken.principal)??>
 5      <#assign name = authToken.principal.attributes.name!"stranger" />
 6    <#else>
 7      <#assign name = "stranger" />
 8    </#if>
10    Howdy, ${name}
12   </a>
13   ...

Let’s now try sending the headers again, but this time with the attribute APP_FULL_NAME

  • CRAFTER_secure_key: my_updated_token

  • CRAFTER_username: jsmith

  • CRAFTER_email: jsmith@example.com

  • CRAFTER_groups: APP_USER


Note that when sending the attribute APP_FULL_NAME in the header, the header prefix must be added as shown above.

When we preview a page, the value in the custom header is displayed:

Website Editorial Article Page view with the value of APP_USER_NAME displayed

Setup CloudFront Signed Cookies in CrafterCMS Delivery

One way to provide access to restricted content through AWS CloudFront is to use signed cookies. This section details how to setup CloudFront signed cookies for CrafterCMS with SSO.

From the AWS documentation

CloudFront signed cookies allow you to control who can access your content when you don't want to change your
current URLs or when you want to provide access to multiple restricted files, for example, all of the files
in the subscribers' area of a website.

Here are the steps:

  1. Configure CloudFront to use signed cookies following this guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/private-content-signed-cookies.html

  2. Add the Groovy class to your site’s classes.

     1package org.craftercms.aws.utils
     4    @Grab(group='com.amazonaws', module='aws-java-sdk-cloudfront', version='1.11.435', initClass = false)
     7import java.util.Date;
     8import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
    10import javax.servlet.http.Cookie
    12import com.amazonaws.auth.PEM;
    13import com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.CloudFrontCookieSigner
    14import com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.util.SignerUtils.Protocol
    17class CloudFrontUtils {
    19    static void setSignedCookies(request, response, siteConfig) {
    20        if (!signedCookiesExist(request)) {
    21            def protocol = Protocol.https;
    22            def domain = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.domain')
    23            def resourcePath = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.resourcePath')
    24            def keyPairId = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.keyPairId')
    25            def privateKeyContent = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.privateKey')
    26            def privateKey = PEM.readPrivateKey(new ByteArrayInputStream(privateKeyContent.getBytes('UTF-8')))
    27            def cloudFrontTimeToExpire = siteConfig.getLong('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.cloudFrontTimeToExpire')
    28            def cloudFrontExpiresOn = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (cloudFrontTimeToExpire * 60 * 1000))
    29            def cookieMaxAge = siteConfig.getLong('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.cookieMaxAge') * 60
    30            def cookieSecure = true
    31            def cookiePath = '/'
    33            def cookies = CloudFrontCookieSigner.getCookiesForCustomPolicy(protocol, domain, privateKey, resourcePath, keyPairId, cloudFrontExpiresOn, null, null)
    35            def signatureCookie = new Cookie(cookies.signature.key, cookies.signature.value)
    36                signatureCookie.secure = cookieSecure
    37                signatureCookie.maxAge = cookieMaxAge
    38                signatureCookie.path = cookiePath
    40            def keyPairIdCookie = new Cookie(cookies.keyPairId.key, cookies.keyPairId.value)
    41                keyPairIdCookie.secure = cookieSecure
    42                keyPairIdCookie.maxAge = cookieMaxAge
    43                keyPairIdCookie.path = cookiePath
    45            def policyCookie = new Cookie(cookies.policy.key, cookies.policy.value)
    46                policyCookie.secure = cookieSecure
    47                policyCookie.maxAge = cookieMaxAge
    48                policyCookie.path = cookiePath
    50            response.addCookie(signatureCookie)
    51            response.addCookie(keyPairIdCookie)
    52            response.addCookie(policyCookie)
    53        }
    54    }
    56    static boolean signedCookiesExist(request) {
    57        def cookies = request.cookies
    58        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
    59          if ('CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id' == cookies[i].name) {
    60              return true
    61          }
    62        }
    64        return false
    65    }
  3. Create a Groovy filter that checks for current user authentication/authorization on the requests that need it, and then calls the class method: CloudFrontUtils.setSignedCookies(request, response, siteConfig)

  4. Add the following config to Engine’s site-config.xml:

     2  <cloudFront>
     3    <signedCookies>
     4      <domain><!--- Site's domain name, used by CloudFront --></domain>
     5      <resourcePath>static-assets/*</resourcePath>
     6      <keyPairId encrypted=""><!-- ID of the key pair created in step 1, recommended to be encrypted with Encrypt Marked from the UI  --></keyPairId>
     7      <privateKey encrypted=""><!-- Content of the private key created in step 1, recommended to be encrypted with Encrypt Marked from the UI</privateKey>
     8      <cloudFrontTimeToExpire><!--Time in minutes after which CloudFront will not allow access to the content using the cookie --></cloudFrontTimeToExpire>
     9      <cookieMaxAge><!-- Time in minutes after which the browser will consider the cookie expired --></cookieMaxAge>
    10    </signedCookies>
    11  </cloudFront>

  5. Configure an Error Page HTML in CloudFront for 403 errors, that will redirect to Engine using JS so that the SSO flow is started. It can be like the following:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
    <html lang="en">
          if(document.location.hash.indexOf("dlink") == -1) {
            document.location = "/auth-asset?a=" + document.location.pathname + "#dlink";
      <main id="main-content">
        <!-- PAGE CONTENT -->
          if(document.location.hash.indexOf("dlink") != -1) {
            document.getElementById("headline").innerHTML = "403";
            document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "You do not have permissions to access the requested resource. You will be redirected to the home page momentarily.";
            setTimeout(function(){ document.location = "/" }, 5000);

  6. Create a /auth-asset page in your site with a Groovy script that only redirects back to the asset (the auth and cookie should have been already setup by filters):

    if(params.a) {

Engine Project Security Guide

The following guide will help you configure Crafter Engine to:

  1. Add authentication for your project.

  2. Add authorization so that access to certain pages and URLs of your project are restricted.

Crafter Engine is able to integrate with multiple authentication providers:

  1. Using SAML2

    To configure SAML 2.0, follow the instructions: Engine SAML2 Configuration

  2. Using Crafter Profile

    To configure Crafter Profile, follow the instructions: Engine Crafter Profile Configuration

Add Authentication

Add Login

To add a login page:

  1. In Crafter Studio, create a Home > Login page.

  2. The page template should contain a form that POSTs to /crafter-security-login, sending the username,

    password and rememberMe parameters, like in the following snippet:

     1<form action="/crafter-security-login" method="post">
     2    <label for="username">Username: </label>
     3    <input type="text" name="username"/>
     4    <br/>
     5    <label for="password">Password: </label>
     6    <input type="password" name="password"/>
     7    <br/>
     8    <input type="checkbox" name="rememberMe" value="true">Remember Me</input>
     9    <br/>
    10    <button type="submit">Sign in</button>

Add Logout

To add logout, just add a link in the global header that points to /crafter-security-logout:

1<a href="/crafter-security-logout">Log Out</a>

Add Authorization

Adding authorization allows restricted access to certain pages and URLs of your project depending on what is setup.

Restrict Pages

You can restrict pages based on whether a user is authenticated or has a certain role. To do this, you need to follow the next steps to create in the page content type a Repeating Group with a text Input for the roles:

  1. In Studio, click on projectTools.

  2. Click on Content Types then Open Existing Type and select the content type for the pages that you want to restrict.

  3. On Controls, select the Repeating Group and add it to any Form Section (you can even create an Authorization section just for these fields).

  4. In the Repeating Group properties, set the Title field to “Authorized Roles” and the Name / Variable Name field to “authorizedRoles.”

    Engine Project Security Guide - Authorized Roles Properties


    The UI autofills the Name/ Variable Name field and adds postfixes as you’re typing in the Title field. Remember to remove the postfix _o, as authorizedRoles is a reserved variable name used by CrafterCMS. For a list of variable names used by CrafterCMS, see Form Control Variable Names for more information

    The ROLE_ prefix is optional for values in authorizedRoles

  5. Add an Input control inside the Repeating Group, with the Title field set to “Role” and the Name / Variable Name field set to “role”. Make this Input required by checking the checkbox under Constraints in the Required field in the Properties Explorer.

    Engine Project Security Guide - Role Properties


    The UI autofills the Name / Variable Name field and adds postfixes as you’re typing in the Title field. Remember to remove the postfix _o, as the role variable name is used by CrafterCMS for enforcing access to a page. For a list of variable names used by CrafterCMS, see Form Control Variable Names for more information

  6. Save the changes. The added fields should look like this:

    Engine Project Security Guide - Authorization Section

With these changes, now you or any other content author can go to any page of this content type and add the roles that are required to access the page. Two special roles which indicate authentication state can be used besides the roles that are included in user profiles: Anonymous and Authenticated. The complete access check algorithm executed by Crafter Engine is described below:

  1. If the page doesn’t contain any role, no authentication is needed.

  2. If the page has the role Anonymous, no authentication is needed.

  3. If the page has the role Authenticated, just authentication is needed.

  4. If the page has any other roles, the user needs to be authenticated and have any of those roles.

Restrict URLs

Sometimes it is not enough to restrict a single page. Sometimes you need to restrict an entire project subtree, or restrict several static assets. For this, CrafterCMS provides configuration parameters that allow you to restrict access based on URL patterns. You just need to add configuration similar to the following in Config > Engine Project Configuration:

2    <urlRestrictions>
3        <restriction>
4            <url>/user/*</url>
5            <expression>hasAnyRole({'user'\, 'admin'})</expression>
6        </restriction>
7    </urlRestrictions>

The <urlRestrictions> can contain any number of <restriction> elements. Each restriction is formed by an Ant-style path pattern (<url>) and a Spring EL expression (<expression>) executed against the current profile. If a request matches the URL, and the expression evaluates to false, access is denied. The following expressions can be used:

  • isAnonymous()

  • isAuthenticated()

  • hasRole('role')

  • hasAnyRole({'role1'\, 'role2'})

  • permitAll()

  • denyAll()


For the <url> Ant-style path pattern, <url>/*</url> indicates just one level of the URL and <url>/**</url> indicates all urls. For more information on Ant-style path pattern matching, see https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/util/AntPathMatcher.html

For the hasAnyRole expression, remember to escape the comma , separating the roles inside the expression as shown above.

For more information, check UrlAccessRestrictionCheckingProcessor.java and AccessRestrictionExpressionRoot.java

Access User Attributes

Once the authentication and authorization configurations are completed you can use the authToken object in templates and scripts to access the current user attributes. The class of the object will change depending of the authentication provider used, but you can always obtain an instance of CustomUser using the principal property.

Displaying the first name of the current user in Freemarker
<#if authToken??>
  Hello ${authToken.principal.attributes.firstName}!
  <#-- show login button -->


You can find more details about the authToken variable in FreeMarker (Templating) API or Groovy/Java API

Migrating from Crafter Profile

Prior to version 3.1.5 Crafter Profile was the only security provider available, all projects created in previous versions will continue to work without any changes, however if you need to migrate to a different provider like SAML2 you will need to replace all uses of the profile and authentication variables, both have been replaced with authToken.

In templates and scripts you can replace all uses of profile with authToken and profile.attributes with authToken.principal.attributes.


Some advanced uses like custom security filters will need to be updated to integrate with Spring Security


The variables profile and authentication will be null in most cases and should not be used anymore

Engine Crafter Profile Configuration


This guide includes Crafter Profile specific configuration only, for a general guide see Engine Project Security Guide

Crafter Engine needs access tokens to use Crafter Profile’s API. Each project must have it’s own access token. Follow the next steps to create one:

  1. Login to Crafter Profile Admin Console as a PROFILE_SUPERADMIN (by default the admin user has this role). See here for more information on the Crafter Profile Admin Console UI.

  2. Click on New Access Token in the navigation. Enter your project’s name on Application, leave the Master checkbox unselected, pick a proper Expiration Date (10 years from the current date is ok) and on Tenant Permissions add your tenant’s name to the input (Remember that your tenant’s name has to have the same name as your project. See the note below) and click on Add. By default the admin console auto-selects the 3 actions mentioned before. If you’re using the same access token as another environment (e.g. you want to use the same access token in dev and prod), copy the same access token ID from the other environment, and enter the same field values for Application, Master and Expiration Date. Finally, click on Accept.


    Authentication by default is done against a tenant with the same name as your project. See Tenants Management for more information on creating a tenant.

    Engine Crafter Profile Configuration - New Access Token

  3. Now that you have created the access token, you need to “tell” Engine to use it in your project. In Admin Console,

    click on List Access Tokens in the navigation menu and copy the ID of the token you just created. Then, depending on the mode Engine is running, add one of the following configurations (preview is ignored because normally predefined Personas are used, so there’s no need to access the Crafter Profile app).

    2    <api>
    3        <accessTokenId>6604d59a-fe1b-4cb3-a76f-bdb1eb61e8c2</accessTokenId>
    4    </api>

Accessing Crafter Profile REST API

The following property allows you to configure the access token required to call Profile REST APIs:

  • profile.api.accessToken: The access token to use for the Profile REST calls.



The following properties allows you to configure various Login URLs:

  • The security.login.formUrl property allows you to configure the URL of the login form page. The default is /login.

  • The security.login.defaultSuccessUrl property allows you to configure the URL to redirect to if the login was successful and the user couldn’t be redirected to the previous page. The default is /.

  • The security.login.alwaysUseDefaultSuccessUrl property allows you to configure whether to always redirect to the default success URL. The default is false.

  • The security.login.failureUrl property allows you to configure the URL to redirect to if the login fails. The default is /login?login_error=true.

    <formUrl /> (The URL of the login form page)
    <defaultSuccessUrl /> (The URL to redirect to if the login was successful and the user could not be redirected to the previous page)
    <alwaysUseDefaultSuccessUrl /> (Sets whether to always redirect to the default success URL after a successful login)
    <failureUrl /> (The URL to redirect to if the login fails)


The security.logout.successUrl property allows you to configure the URL to redirect to after a successful logout. The default is /.

    <successUrl /> (The URL to redirect after a successful logout)

Access Denied

The security.accessDenied.errorPageUrl property allows you to configure the URL of the page to show when access has been denied to a user to a certain resource. The default is /access-denied.

    <errorPageUrl /> (The URL of the page to show when access has been denied to a user to a certain resource)

URL Restrictions

The security.urlRestrictions: property allows you to configure URL restrictions. It contains any number of restriction elements. Each restriction is formed by an Ant-style path pattern (<url>) and a Spring EL expression (<expression>) executed against the current profile. If a request matches the URL, and the expression evaluates to false, access is denied. For more information, check UrlAccessRestrictionCheckingProcessor.java and AccessRestrictionExpressionRoot.java


For the <url> Ant-style path pattern, <url>/*</url> indicates just one level of the URL and <url>/**</url> indicates all urls. For more information on Ant-style path pattern matching, see https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/util/AntPathMatcher.html

  <urlRestrictions> (Contains any number of restriction elements)
    <restriction> (Restriction element, access is denied if a request matches the URL, and the expression evaluates to false)
      <url /> (URL pattern)
      <expression /> (Spring EL expression)

Groovy Sandbox Configuration

When a Groovy script is executed all code is validated against a blacklist of insecure expressions to prevent code that could compromise the system. When you try to execute a script that contains insecure expressions you will see an error similar to this:

Error message encountered for scripts containing insecure expressions
UnsupportedOperationException: Insecure call staticMethod java.lang.Runtime getRuntime ...

It is recommended to keep the default configuration if possible. However, if access to one or more of the blacklisted expressions is required, it is possible to override the blacklist configuration. Configuration is global and affects all scripts on the server.


When you allow a script to make an insecure call you should make sure it can only be executed with known arguments and never with unverified user input.

Groovy Sandbox Properties

The following allows you to configure the Groovy sandbox. The Groovy sandbox is enabled by default and can be disabled by changing the property crafter.engine.groovy.sandbox.enable to false.

1# Indicates if the sandbox should be enabled for all sites
3# Indicates if the blacklist should be enabled for all sites (this will have no effect if the sandbox is disabled)
5# The location of the default blacklist to use for all sites (this will have no effect if the sandbox is disabled)

Using a Custom Blacklist

Crafter Engine includes a default blacklist that you can find here. Make sure you review the branch/tag you’re using.

To use a custom blacklist follow these steps:

  1. Copy the default blacklist file to your classpath, for example:


  2. Remove or comment (adding a # at the beginning of the line) the expressions that your scripts require

  3. Update the server-config.properties configuration file to load the custom blacklist:

    # The location of the blacklist to use for all sites (this will have no effect if the sandbox is disabled)


    In CrafterCMS v3.1.14 and prior, the name of the property is crafter.engine.groovy.sandbox.blacklist

  4. Restart CrafterCMS

Now you can execute the same script without any issues.

Disabling the Sandbox Blacklist

It is possible to disable the blacklist to allow the execution of most expressions, in case you need to use a considerable number of the expression included in the blacklist while keeping some basic restrictions. To disable the blacklist for all projects/sites update the server configuration file server-config.properties:

# Indicates if the blacklist should be enabled for all sites (this will have no effect if the sandbox is disabled)

Grape Configuration

Grape can be customized via the Ivy settings that it uses. To configure the Ivy settings that Grape uses, simply edit the CRAFTER_HOME/bin/grapeConfig.xml configuration file. Below is an example configuration that blocks a package from downloading by redirecting the package download to a non-existing domain:

 1<?xml version="1.0"?>
 3  <settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
 4  <resolvers>
 5    <chain name="downloadGrapes" returnFirst="true">
 6      <ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>
 7      <!-- Non-exists resolver for blocked packages -->
 8      <url name="blocked">
 9        <ivy pattern="https://blockedpackages.local/repo/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml" />
10        <artifact pattern="https://blockedpackages.local/repo/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
11      </url>
12    </chain>
13  </resolvers>
14  <!-- Module-specific resolver configuration to block (redirect to non-exists domain) -->
15  <modules>
16    <module organisation="org.to.block" name="name.to.block" resolver="blocked"/>
17  </modules>

For more information on customizing settings, see the Ivy documentation

Important Notes

There are some limitations that should be noted when working with the Groovy Sandbox.

One limitation is that an exception is thrown during execution when a Groovy class has a property and a getter method for the property. Here’s an example code that throws an exception during execution:

class Test {
  private String message

  public String getMessage() {
     return this.message

def t = new Test()
t.message = "this is a test"

return t.getMessage()

Here’s the error thrown in the logs by the code above:

Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError
     at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.loadClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:693)
     at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader$InnerLoader.loadClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:450)
     at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.loadClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:812)
     at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.loadClass(GroovyClassLoader.java:800)
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor340.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
     at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(CachedMethod.java:98)
     at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(MetaMethod.java:325)
     at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.getProperty(MetaClassImpl.java:1845)
     at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.getProperty(MetaClassImpl.java:3773)
     at Test.getProperty(test.get.groovy)
     at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper.getProperty(InvokerHelper.java:190)
     at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.getProperty(ScriptBytecodeAdapter.java:469)
     at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$7.call(Checker.java:392)
     at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.GroovyInterceptor.onGetProperty(GroovyInterceptor.java:68)
     at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onGetProperty(SandboxInterceptor.java:297)
     at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$7.call(Checker.java:390)
     at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedGetProperty(Checker.java:394)
     at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$checkedGetProperty$1.callStatic(Unknown Source)
     at Test.getMessage(test.get.groovy:5)


There are a couple of things you can do to get around the exception being thrown:

  • Do not use getter methods and instead access the property directly
    Using the example above, we’ll access the property directly:

    class Test {
      private String message
    def t = new Test()
    t.message = "this is a test"
    return t.message

  • Use a different name for the property and the getter method
    Again, using the example above, we’ll use a different name from the property for the getter method:

    class Test {
      private String theMessage
      public String getMessage() {
         return this.theMessage
    def t = new Test()
    t.theMessage = "this is a test"
    return t.getMessage()

Other Security Configuration

Preview Mode

Since 4.2.0

In preview mode, CrafterCMS provides a security filter that can be enabled to intercept all requests and validates the following:

  • crafterPreview cookie exists

  • crafterPreview cookie decrypted value contains a site name and an expiration timestamp

  • Site name matches the one from SiteContextResolver

  • Expiration timestamp is in the future

To enable the Engine Preview Mode security filters, set crafter.security.preview.enabled to true.

# Security Properties #
# If the preview security filters should be enabled

There may be some URLs that may not need filtering in Preview mode by the security filter when it is enabled. To exclude a URL from being intercepted and validated by the security filter, add the URL to the crafter.security.preview.urlsToExclude property:

# The URLs to be excluded from preview security checks

Enabling the security filter in Preview Mode requires the configuration encryption configurations (which are shared between Studio and Engine) and admins will need to update the default configurations for the encryption key and salt in Studio and in Engine.

Configuration Properties Encryption

# The key used for encryption of configuration properties
# The salt used for encryption of configuration properties