• Document Up to Date
  • Updated On 4.0.0


The Configurations configuration file allows you to specify which items can be accessed from the dropdown list in Project Tools -> Configuration.

To find this configuration xml through studio follow the next instructions:

  1. Click on projectTools located in the Sidebar.

  2. Choose Configuration from the menu.

  3. Select Configurations.

Configurations - Open Configurations


Here’s a sample config-list.xml file (click on the triangle on the left to expand/collapse):

Sample "config-list.xml"
  1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3  ~ Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Crafter Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  4  ~
  5  ~ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6  ~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
  7  ~ the Free Software Foundation.
  8  ~
  9  ~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 10  ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 12  ~ GNU General Public License for more details.
 13  ~
 14  ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 15  ~ along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 16  -->
 19    This file configures the list of configurations available in the SiteConfig section for this site/blueprint.
 21    For every configuration you'd like to make editable, you need:
 22        <file>
 23            <module />
 24            <path />
 25            <title />
 26            <description />
 27            <samplePath />
 28        </file>
 30    The elements are:
 31    - module: CrafterCMS module
 32    - path: the path to the file. This path is rooted in /config/<module> off the base of the site/blueprint
 33    - title: the title of this file. This should be a key into the string-table in Studio's localization string table
 34        "base.js", if no entry is found, Studio will use the string you have here as is
 35    - description: the description of this file.  This should be a key into the string-table in Studio's localization
 36        string table "base.js", if no entry is found, Studio will use the string you have here as is
 37    - samplePath: the path to a sample file to help the user update the file
 40	<version>4.0.1</version>
 41	<files>
 42		<file>
 43			<module>studio</module>
 44			<path>site-config.xml</path>
 45			<title>confTabSiteConfiguration</title>
 46			<description>confTabSiteConfigurationDesc</description>
 47			<samplePath>sample-site-config.xml</samplePath>
 48		</file>
 49		<file>
 50			<module>studio</module>
 51			<path>workflow/notification-config.xml</path>
 52			<title>confTabNotificationConf</title>
 53			<description>confTabNotificationConfDesc</description>
 54			<samplePath>sample-notification-config.xml</samplePath>
 55		</file>
 56		<file>
 57			<module>studio</module>
 58			<path>permission-mappings-config.xml</path>
 59			<title>confTabPermissionsMappings</title>
 60			<description>confTabPermissionsMappingsDesc</description>
 61			<samplePath>sample-permission-mappings-config.xml</samplePath>
 62		</file>
 63		<file>
 64			<module>studio</module>
 65			<path>role-mappings-config.xml</path>
 66			<title>confTabRoleMappings</title>
 67			<description>confTabRoleMappingsDesc</description>
 68			<samplePath>sample-role-mappings-config.xml</samplePath>
 69		</file>
 70		<file>
 71			<module>studio</module>
 72			<path>administration/site-config-tools.xml</path>
 73			<title>confTabSiteConf</title>
 74			<description>confTabSiteConfDesc</description>
 75			<samplePath>sample-site-config-tools.xml</samplePath>
 76		</file>
 77		<file>
 78			<module>studio</module>
 79			<path>administration/config-list.xml</path>
 80			<title>confTabConfigurations</title>
 81			<description>confTabConfDesc</description>
 82			<samplePath>sample-config-list.xml</samplePath>
 83		</file>
 84		<file>
 85			<module>engine</module>
 86			<path>site-config.xml</path>
 87			<title>confTabEngineSiteConfiguration</title>
 88			<description>confTabEngineSiteConfigurationDesc</description>
 89			<samplePath>sample-engine-site-config.xml</samplePath>
 90		</file>
 91		<file>
 92			<module>engine</module>
 93			<path>application-context.xml</path>
 94			<title>confTabEngineSiteAppContextConfiguration</title>
 95			<description>confTabEngineSiteAppContextConfigurationDesc</description>
 96			<samplePath>sample-engine-application-context.xml</samplePath>
 97		</file>
 98		<file>
 99			<module>engine</module>
100			<path>urlrewrite.xml</path>
101			<title>confTabEngineUrlRewriteConf</title>
102			<description>confTabEngineUrlRewriteConfDesc</description>
103			<samplePath>sample-urlrewrite.xml</samplePath>
104		</file>
105		<file>
106			<module>studio</module>
107			<path>dependency/resolver-config.xml</path>
108			<title>confTabDependencyResolverConf</title>
109			<description>confTabDependencyResolverConfDesc</description>
110			<samplePath>sample-resolver-config.xml</samplePath>
111		</file>
112		<file>
113			<module>studio</module>
114			<path>aws/aws.xml</path>
115			<title>confTabAWSProfiles</title>
116			<description>confTabAWSProfilesDesc</description>
117			<samplePath>sample-aws.xml</samplePath>
118		</file>
119		<file>
120			<module>studio</module>
121			<path>box/box.xml</path>
122			<title>confTabBoxProfiles</title>
123			<description>confTabBoxProfilesDesc</description>
124			<samplePath>sample-box.xml</samplePath>
125		</file>
126		<file>
127			<module>studio</module>
128			<path>webdav/webdav.xml</path>
129			<title>confTabWebDAVProfiles</title>
130			<description>confTabWebDAVProfilesDesc</description>
131			<samplePath>sample-webdav.xml</samplePath>
132		</file>
133		<file>
134			<module>studio</module>
135			<path>asset-processing/asset-processing-config.xml</path>
136			<title>confTabAssetProcessing</title>
137			<description>confTabAssetProcessingDesc</description>
138			<samplePath>sample-asset-processing-config.xml</samplePath>
139		</file>
140		<file>
141			<module>studio</module>
142			<path>blob-stores-config.xml</path>
143			<title>confTabBlobStores</title>
144			<description>confTabBlobStoresDesc</description>
145			<samplePath>sample-blob-stores-config.xml</samplePath>
146		</file>
147		<file>
148			<module>engine</module>
149			<path>proxy-config.xml</path>
150			<title>confTabProxyConfig</title>
151			<description>confTabProxyConfigDesc</description>
152			<samplePath>sample-proxy-config.xml</samplePath>
153		</file>
154		<file>
155			<module>studio</module>
156			<path>translation-config.xml</path>
157			<title>confTabTranslationConf</title>
158			<description>confTabTranslationConfDesc</description>
159			<samplePath>sample-translation-config.xml</samplePath>
160		</file>
161		<file>
162			<module>studio</module>
163			<path>site-policy-config.xml</path>
164			<title>confTabSitePolicyConf</title>
165			<description>confTabSitePolicyConfDesc</description>
166			<samplePath>sample-site-policy-config.xml</samplePath>
167		</file>
168		<file>
169			<module>studio</module>
170			<path>ui.xml</path>
171			<title>confTabUiConf</title>
172			<description>confTabUiConfDesc</description>
173			<samplePath>sample-ui.xml</samplePath>
174		</file>
175	</files>


List of available configuration tags

This tag contains each file.
This tag contains the configuration of each file.
Path where the system will find the specific xml file

This tag refers to file title. It will be showed in the configuration
dropdown at the top of the page. See #1 in the image above

This tag refers to file description. It will be showed to explain the file
functionality. See #2 in the image above

Path where the system will find an example of the specific xml.
See #3 in the image above

Sample File

You can click on the View Sample button to see a configuration file example.

Basic Configuration Sample

Adding a new configuration file

To add a new configuration file please follow the steps below.

  1. Add file tags to the Configurations list xml file (config-list.xml).

      <title>Workflow Configuration</title>
      <description>Defines workflows available in the system</description>
    Basic Configuration Step 1

  2. Click on the Save button

    Basic Configuration Step 2

  3. Go to Configuration, then finally look for your new configuration file

    Basic Configuration Step 3