Project Policy Configuration
Since 4.0.0The project policy configuration file allows the user to configure conditions for content being added to the project (via uploads), such as minimum/maximum size of files, etc.
Note that the project policy does not apply to content created via the UI.
CrafterCMS supports the following project policies:
Filename allowed patterns and automatic renaming rules
File size limits
MIME-type limits
Content-type limits
To modify the project policy configuration, click on from the Sidebar, then click on Configuration and
select Project Policy Configuration from the dropdown list.

Here’s a sample Project Policy Configuration file (click on the triangle on the left to expand/collapse):
Sample project policy configuration
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
4 ~ Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Crafter Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
5 ~
6 ~ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ~ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
8 ~ the Free Software Foundation.
9 ~
10 ~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ~ GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ~
15 ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 ~ along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 -->
21 <!--
22 This file can contain any number of statements to control the content added to the site:
24 <statement>
25 <target-path-pattern/> (Regular expression that will be compared against the path of the content)
27 <permitted>
28 (All elements in this section are optional and can be used in any combination)
30 <minimum-file-size/> (Minimum size of the file in bytes)
31 <maximum-file-size/> (Maximum size of the file in bytes)
33 <mime-types/> (Comma separated list of MIME types, also support wildcards)
35 <content-types/> (Comma separated list of content-types)
37 <path> (Apply to CREATE action)
38 <source-regex/> (Regular expression to validate the file name or folder name)
39 <target-regex caseTransform="lowercase"/> (Expression to transform the file name or folder name)
40 </path>
42 </permitted>
43 <denied>
44 (mime-types or content-types are available)
45 <mime-types/> (Comma separated list of MIME types, also support wildcards)
46 <content-types/> (Comma separated list of content-types)
47 </denied>
48 </statement>
49 -->
51 <!-- Example: only allow images of less than 1 MB -->
52 <!-- disable svg files -->
53 <statement>
54 <target-path-pattern>/static-assets/images/.*</target-path-pattern>
55 <permitted>
56 <maximum-file-size>1000000</maximum-file-size>
57 <mime-types>image/*</mime-types>
58 </permitted>
59 <denied>
60 <mime-types>image/svg+xml</mime-types>
61 </denied>
62 </statement>
Let’s take a look at some example project policy configurations.
Mime Types
The example configuration below (as seen in the default project policy configuration) disallows svg image file uploads:
<!-- disable svg files -->
Whenever a user tries to upload an svg image, the user will see a message on the screen informing them that it doesn’t comply with the project policies and can’t be uploaded like below:

File Size Limits
Limiting file size of uploads is supported. Simply add <minimum-file-size/>
and/or <maximum-file-size/>
under <permitted>
where the minimum and maximum file sizes are in bytes
The example configuration below limits image uploads to less than 1MB in folder /static-assets/images/
<!-- Example: only allow images of less than 1 MB -->
Whenever a user tries to upload an image that is larger than 1 MB in the /static-assets/images/
folder, the user
will see a message on the screen informing them that it doesn’t comply with project policies and can’t be uploaded like below:

Transform File Names
CrafterCMS supports transforming filenames of uploaded files and convert the filenames to lower case or upper case.
Simply set caseTransform to either lowercase
or uppercase
in target-regex
to convert to your required case.
The example configuration below (as seen in the default project policy configuration) converts
parenthesis ( (
and )
) and spaces in filenames to a dash ( -
and lower cases all the letters in filenames for files uploaded to the /static-assets/
folder .
<target-regex caseTransform="lowercase">-</target-regex>
Whenever a user uploads a file with upper case letters or spaces and parenthesis in the filename, in the
folder, the user will see a message on the screen informing them that it doesn’t comply
with project policies and will be asked if they would like to continue upload with the suggested name like below: