Elasticsearch Configuration Guide
Crafter Deployer provides two ways to use Elasticsearch:
Single Elasticsearch Cluster
This is the most common configuration used, all operations will be performed on a single Elasticsearch cluster:
Target configuration for a single Elasticsearch cluster
1 target:
2 search:
3 elasticsearch:
4 # Single cluster
5 urls:
6 - 'http://es-cluster-node-1:9200'
7 - 'http://es-cluster-node-2:9200'
Multiple Elasticsearch Clusters
Using this configuration all read operations will be performed on one Elasticsearch cluster but write operations will be performed on multiple Elasticsearch clusters:
Target configuration for multiple Elasticsearch clusters
1 target:
2 search:
3 elasticsearch:
4 # Global auth, used for all clusters
5 username: elastic
6 password: passw0rd
7 # Cluster for read operations
8 readCluster:
9 urls:
10 - 'http://read-cluster-node-1:9200'
11 - 'http://read-cluster-node-2:9200'
12 # This cluster will use the global auth
13 # Clusters for write operations
14 writeClusters:
15 - urls:
16 - 'http://write-cluster-1-node-1:9200'
17 - 'http://write-cluster-1-node-2:9200'
18 # This cluster will use the global auth
19 - urls:
20 - 'http://write-cluster-2-node-1:9200'
21 - 'http://write-cluster-2-node-2:9200'
22 # Override the global auth for this cluster
23 username: elastic2
24 password: passw0rd2
Configuration Files
The Elasticsearch configuration can be changed in two places:
Global configuration file
, this will be applied to all targets loaded.Individual target configuration file