Migrating a site from Solr to Elasticsearch
When upgrading to CrafterCMS 3.1 you can choose to keep existing sites without changes or update your code to use Elasticsearch. For new sites it is highly recommended to always use Elasticsearch instead of Solr.
Using Crafter Search and Solr
All Crafter Search related services have been kept unchanged to assure that existing sites will work without any code change, however as Solr is no longer the default search engine it will not be started by default in any of the provided binaries.
To start Solr you will need to add an extra parameter during startup:
If you are using Gradle to start your environment you need to add a new parameter:
./gradlew start -PwithSolr=true
If you are using the startup, debug or crafter script you need to add a new parameter:
INSTALL_DIR/bin/startup.sh withSolr
INSTALL_DIR/bin/debug.sh withSolr
INSTALL_DIR/bin/crafter.sh start withSolr
Another option is to start Solr by itself using the crafter script:
INSTALL_DIR/bin/crafter.sh start_solr
Making sure that Solr is always started is the only requirement to keep existing sites unchanged.
Updating to Elasticsearch
In case you decide to update your site to use Elasticsearch instead of Solr you can follow these steps:
Overwrite the target in the Deployer to use Elasticsearch instead of Solr
Index all existing content in Elasticsearch
Find all references to
in your FreeMarker templates and replace them with the Elasticsearch serviceFind all references to
in your Groovy scripts and replace them with the Elasticsearch serviceDelete the unused Solr core if needed (can be done using the Solr Admin UI or the
to use Elasticsearch as the search engine
Overwrite the target
For authoring environments:
1curl --request POST \
2 --url http://DEPLOYER_HOST:DEPLOYER_PORT/api/1/target/create \
3 --header 'content-type: application/json' \
4 --data '{
5 "env": "preview",
6 "site_name": "SITE_NAME",
7 "template_name": "local",
8 "repo_url": "INSTALL_DIR/data/repos/sites/SITE_NAME/sandbox",
9 "disable_deploy_cron": true,
10 "replace": true
11 }'
For delivery environments:
1curl --request POST \
2 --url http://DEPLOYER_HOST:DEPLOYER_PORT/api/1/target/create \
3 --header 'content-type: application/json' \
4 --data '{
5 "env": "default",
6 "site_name": "SITE_NAME",
7 "template_name": "remote",
8 "repo_url": "INSTALL_DIR/data/repos/sites/SITE_NAME/published",
9 "repo_branch": "live",
11 ... any additional settings like git credentials ...
13 "replace": true
14 }'
For a detailed list of parameters see Create Target
The create target operation will also create the new index in Elasticsearch.
Index all site content
To reindex all existing content execute the following command:
1curl --request POST \
2 --url http://DEPLOYER_HOST:DEPLOYER_PORT/api/1/target/deploy/ENVIRONMENT/SITE_NAME \
3 --header 'content-type: application/json' \
4 --data '{
5 "reprocess_all_files": true
6 }'
Update the site code
Because both Solr and Elasticsearch are based on Lucene, you will be able to keep most of your queries unchanged, however features like sorting, facets and highlighting will require code changes.
If you are using any customization or any advance feature from Solr, you might not be able to easily update your code to work with Elasticsearch, in this case you might need to consider running Solr as described before.
To update your code there are two possible approaches:
Use the Elasticsearch Java API:
Instead of using a Query object from Crafter Search, use a SearchRequest and a SearchSourceBuilder from Elasticsearch
Instead of using the Solr parameters for sorting, use a SortBuilder from Elasticsearch
Instead of using the Solr parameters for facets, use the AggregationBuilders from Elasticsearch
Instead of using the Solr parameters for highlighting, use a HighlightBuilder from Elasticsearch
Use the Elasticsearch DSL Query:
Instead of using a Query object from Crafter Search, use a simple Groovy map object
In both approaches the result will be a SearchResponse object from Elasticsearch
This is a basic example of replacing Crafter Search service with Elasticsearch
1def q = "${userTerm}~1 OR *${userTerm}*"
3def query = searchService.createQuery()
4 query.setQuery(q)
5 query.setStart(start)
6 query.setRows(rows)
7 query.setParam("sort", "createdDate_dt asc")
8 query.setHighlight(true)
9 query.setHighlightFields(HIGHLIGHT_FIELDS)
11def result = searchService.search(query)
13def documents = result.response.documents
14def highlighting = result.highlighting
Using the Elasticsearch Java API the code will look like this:
1// Elasticsearch imports
2import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchRequest
3import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders
4import org.elasticsearch.search.builder.SearchSourceBuilder
5import org.elasticsearch.search.sort.FieldSortBuilder
6import org.elasticsearch.search.sort.SortOrder
10// Elasticsearch highlight builder
11def highlighter = SearchSourceBuilder.highlight()
12HIGHLIGHT_FIELDS.each{ field -> highlighter.field(field) }
14def q = "${userTerm}~1 OR *${userTerm}*"
16// Elasticsearch source builder
17def builder = new SearchSourceBuilder()
18 .query(QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery(q))
19 .from(start)
20 .size(rows)
21 .sort(new FieldSortBuilder("createdDate_dt").order(SortOrder.ASC))
22 .highlighter(highlighter)
24// Execute the query
25def result = elasticsearch.search(new SearchRequest().source(builder))
27// Elasticsearch response (highlight results are part of each SearchHit object)
28def documents = result.hits.hits
For additional information you can read the official API documentation.
Using the Elasticsearch Query DSL the code will look like this:
1// No additional imports are needed
3def highlighter = []
4HIGHLIGHT_FIELDS.each{ field -> highlighter[field] = [:] }
6def q = "${userTerm}~1 OR *${userTerm}*"
8// Execute the query
9def result = elasticsearch.search([
10 query: [
11 query_string: [
12 query: q as String
13 ]
14 ],
15 from: start,
16 size: rows,
17 sort: [
18 [
19 createdDate_dt: [
20 order: "asc"
21 ]
22 ]
23 ],
24 highlight: [
25 fields: highlighter
26 ]
29// Elasticsearch response (highlight results are part of each SearchHit object)
30def documents = result.hits.hits
For additional information you can read the official DSL documentation.
Notice in the given example that the query string didn’t change, you will need to update only the code that builds and executes the query. However Elasticsearch provides new query types and features that you can use directly from your Groovy scripts.
If any of your queries includes date math for range queries, you will also need to update them to use the Elasticsearch date math syntax described here.
1createdDate_dt: [ NOW-1MONTH/DAY TO NOW-2DAYS/DAY ]
1createdDate_dt: [ now-1M/d TO now-2d/d ]
In Solr there were two special fields _text_
and _text_main_
, during indexing the values of other fields were
copied to provide a simple way to create generic queries in all relevant text. Elasticsearch provides a different
feature that replaces those fields Multi-match query
1_text_: some keywords
2 query: [
3 multi_match: [
4 query: "some keywords"
5 ]
6 ]
Elasticsearch also offers the possibility to query fields with postfixes using wildcards
2 query: [
3 multi_match: [
4 query: "some keywords",
5 fields: ["*_t", "*_txt", "*_html"]
6 ]
7 ]
Update “craftercms-plugin.yaml” to use Elasticsearch
Your site contains a craftercms-plugin.yaml
file that contains information for use by CrafterCMS. We’ll have to update the file to use Elasticsearch as the search engine.
Edit your craftercms-plugin.yaml
, and add the following property at the end of the file:
1searchEngine: Elasticsearch
And make sure to commit your changes to craftercms-plugin.yaml