Deploying a Simple CrafterCMS installation in Kubernetes
This tutorial shows you how to deploy a simple CrafterCMS installation in a Kubernetes cluster. The installation consists of one Authoring Pod, one Delivery Pod and one Elasticsearch Pod, and it’s mainly intended for development and testing, not for production.
You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl
command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your
cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using Minikube:
The nodes in your cluster should at least have 4 CPUs and 8 GB of space, to avoid performance issues and out of memory
errors. In Minikube, to start a node with this characteristics, you can run a command similar to the following:
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
Create the SSH Keys Secret
The Delivery Pod will need SSH access to the Authoring Pod to pull the site content. For this, you need to generate an SSH public/private key pair for authentication and provide the key pair as a Kubernetes Secret to the Pods:
ssh-keygen -m PEM -b 4096 -t rsa -C ""
to generate the key pair. When being asked for the filename of the key, just enterid_rsa
(so that the keys are saved in the current folder). Do not provide a passphrase.Note
Crafter requires the key to be
and does not support keys generated using an algorithm other thanRSA
. The Jsch library that Jgit uses only supportsRSA
and does not support other keys such as OpenSSH. Make sure when you generate the key to specify the type asrsa
:ssh-keygen -m PEM -b 4096 -t rsa -C ""
Check that the file starts with the following header:
to verify that the key is usingRSA
. Crafter also currently doesn’t support using a passphrase with SSH keys. Remember to NOT use a passphrase when creating your keys.Create a copy of the public key and rename it to
:cp authorized_keys
.In the same folder, create a
file with the following, to disableStrictHostKeyChecking
for automatic connection to the Authoring SSH server:config1Host authoring-ssh-service 2 StrictHostKeyChecking no
Create Secret
with the files just generated:kubectl create secret generic ssh-keys --from-file=authorized_keys --from-file=id_rsa --from-file=config
Create the Deployment files
Copy the following Kubernetes deployment configuration files somewhere in your machine:
1# Elasticsearch Service
2apiVersion: v1
3kind: Service
5 name: elasticsearch-service
7 type: ClusterIP
8 selector:
9 component: elasticsearch
10 ports:
11 - port: 9200
12 targetPort: 9200
14# Elasticsearch PV Claim
15apiVersion: v1
16kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
18 name: elasticsearch-pv-claim
20 accessModes:
21 - ReadWriteOnce
22 resources:
23 requests:
24 storage: 5Gi
26# Elasticsearch Deployment
27apiVersion: apps/v1
28kind: Deployment
30 name: elasticsearch-deployment
32 replicas: 1
33 selector:
34 matchLabels:
35 component: elasticsearch
36 template:
37 metadata:
38 labels:
39 component: elasticsearch
40 spec:
41 volumes:
42 - name: data
43 persistentVolumeClaim:
44 claimName: elasticsearch-pv-claim
45 - name: logs
46 emptyDir: {}
47 containers:
48 - name: elasticsearch
49 image:
50 ports:
51 - containerPort: 9200
52 volumeMounts:
53 - name: data
54 mountPath: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data
55 - name: logs
56 mountPath: /usr/share/elasticsearch/logs
57 env:
58 - name: discovery.type
59 value: single-node
60 - name: bootstrap.memory_lock
61 value: 'true'
62 - name: ES_JAVA_OPTS
63 value: '-server -Xss1024K -Xmx2G'
65 value: 'true'
1# Authoring LB
2apiVersion: v1
3kind: Service
5 name: authoring-service
7 type: LoadBalancer
8 selector:
9 component: authoring
10 ports:
11 - port: 8080
12 targetPort: 8080
14# Authoring SSH Service
15apiVersion: v1
16kind: Service
18 name: authoring-ssh-service
20 type: ClusterIP
21 selector:
22 component: authoring
23 ports:
24 - port: 22
25 targetPort: 22
27# Authoring PV Claim
28apiVersion: v1
29kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
31 name: authoring-data-pv-claim
33 accessModes:
34 - ReadWriteOnce
35 resources:
36 requests:
37 storage: 5Gi
39# Authoring Deployment
40apiVersion: apps/v1
41kind: Deployment
43 name: authoring-deployment
45 replicas: 1
46 selector:
47 matchLabels:
48 component: authoring
49 template:
50 metadata:
51 labels:
52 component: authoring
53 spec:
54 volumes:
55 - name: ssh-keys
56 secret:
57 secretName: ssh-keys
58 - name: data
59 persistentVolumeClaim:
60 claimName: authoring-data-pv-claim
61 - name: logs
62 emptyDir: {}
63 - name: temp
64 emptyDir: {}
65 containers:
66 - name: tomcat
67 image: craftercms/authoring_tomcat:3.1.3
68 imagePullPolicy: 'Always'
69 ports:
70 - containerPort: 8080
71 volumeMounts:
72 - name: ssh-keys
73 mountPath: /opt/crafter/.ssh
74 - name: data
75 mountPath: /opt/crafter/data
76 - name: temp
77 mountPath: /opt/crafter/temp
78 - name: logs
79 mountPath: /opt/crafter/logs
80 env:
81 - name: ES_HOST
82 value: elasticsearch-service
83 - name: ES_PORT
84 value: '9200'
85 - name: deployer
86 image: craftercms/deployer:3.1.3
87 imagePullPolicy: 'Always'
88 ports:
89 - containerPort: 9191
90 volumeMounts:
91 - name: ssh-keys
92 mountPath: /opt/crafter/.ssh
93 - name: data
94 mountPath: /opt/crafter/data
95 - name: temp
96 mountPath: /opt/crafter/temp
97 - name: logs
98 mountPath: /opt/crafter/logs
99 env:
100 - name: ES_HOST
101 value: elasticsearch-service
102 - name: ES_PORT
103 value: '9200'
104 - name: git-ssh-server
105 image: craftercms/git_ssh_server:3.1.3
106 imagePullPolicy: 'Always'
107 ports:
108 - containerPort: 22
109 volumeMounts:
110 - name: ssh-keys
111 mountPath: /opt/crafter/.ssh
112 - name: data
113 mountPath: /opt/crafter/data
1# Delivery LB
2apiVersion: v1
3kind: Service
5 name: delivery-service
7 type: LoadBalancer
8 selector:
9 component: delivery
10 ports:
11 - port: 9080
12 targetPort: 8080
14# Delivery PV Claim
15apiVersion: v1
16kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
18 name: delivery-data-pv-claim
20 accessModes:
21 - ReadWriteOnce
22 resources:
23 requests:
24 storage: 5Gi
26# Delivery Deployment
27apiVersion: apps/v1
28kind: Deployment
30 name: delivery-deployment
32 replicas: 1
33 selector:
34 matchLabels:
35 component: delivery
36 template:
37 metadata:
38 labels:
39 component: delivery
40 spec:
41 volumes:
42 - name: ssh-keys
43 secret:
44 secretName: ssh-keys
45 - name: data
46 persistentVolumeClaim:
47 claimName: delivery-data-pv-claim
48 - name: logs
49 emptyDir: {}
50 - name: temp
51 emptyDir: {}
52 containers:
53 - name: tomcat
54 image: craftercms/delivery_tomcat:3.1.3
55 imagePullPolicy: 'Always'
56 ports:
57 - containerPort: 8080
58 volumeMounts:
59 - name: ssh-keys
60 mountPath: /opt/crafter/.ssh
61 - name: data
62 mountPath: /opt/crafter/data
63 - name: temp
64 mountPath: /opt/crafter/temp
65 - name: logs
66 mountPath: /opt/crafter/logs
67 env:
68 - name: ES_HOST
69 value: elasticsearch-service
70 - name: ES_PORT
71 value: '9200'
72 - name: deployer
73 image: craftercms/deployer:3.1.3
74 imagePullPolicy: 'Always'
75 ports:
76 - containerPort: 9191
77 volumeMounts:
78 - name: ssh-keys
79 mountPath: /opt/crafter/.ssh
80 - name: data
81 mountPath: /opt/crafter/data
82 - name: temp
83 mountPath: /opt/crafter/temp
84 - name: logs
85 mountPath: /opt/crafter/logs
86 env:
87 - name: ES_HOST
88 value: elasticsearch-service
89 - name: ES_PORT
90 value: '9200'
Apply the Deployment Files
To create the 3 deployments, assuming your current directory is where you copied the deployment files, you can just run:
kubectl apply -f .
Check the status of the deployments by running kubectl get deployments
, and the status of the Pods by running
kubectl get pods
. You can also tail the logs of the tomcat
and deployer
containers, for both Authoring
and Delivery Pods, with the command:
kubectl logs -f -c CONTAINER_NAME POD_NAME
For example: kubectl logs -f -c tomcat authoring-deployment-5df746c4d8-lv9gd
Bootstrap the Site in Delivery
Now you need to setup the site in Delivery. If you don’t know the name of the Delivery Pod yet, run kubectl get pods
and check for the one that has a name like delivery-deployment-XXXXX
. Then, run the following command (remember to
replace the pod name and the site name with the actual values):
kubectl exec -it DELIVERY_POD_NAME --container deployer -- gosu crafter ./bin/ SITE_NAME ssh://authoring-ssh-service/opt/crafter/data/repos/sites/SITE_NAME/published
This command will create the Deployer site target and create the index in Elasticsearch. After a minute or two, the
Deployer should have pulled the site content from Authoring (you can check it by gettting the Delivery Deployer log:
kubectl logs -c deployer DELIVERY_POD_NAME
Now you can access the site in Delivery:
Get the delivery endpoint URL (in Minikube:
minikube service delivery-service --url
).From your browser, enter the URL with
at the end. You should see your site. Also, when making a change in Authoring and publishing it, the change will be reflected in Delivery after a minute.