Setup CloudFront Signed Cookies in CrafterCMS
One way to provide access to restricted content through AWS CloudFront is to use signed cookies. This section details how to setup CloudFront signed cookies for CrafterCMS with SSO.
From the AWS documentation
CloudFront signed cookies allow you to control who can access your content when you don't want to change your current URLs or when you want to provide access to multiple restricted files, for example, all of the files in the subscribers' area of a website.
Here are the steps:
Configure CloudFront to use signed cookies following this guide:
Add the Groovy class to your site’s classes.
CloudFrontUtils.groovy1package 2 3@Grapes( 4 @Grab(group='com.amazonaws', module='aws-java-sdk-cloudfront', version='1.11.435', initClass = false) 5) 6 7import java.util.Date; 8import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j 9 10import javax.servlet.http.Cookie 11 12import com.amazonaws.auth.PEM; 13import 14import 15 16@Slf4j 17class CloudFrontUtils { 18 19 static void setSignedCookies(request, response, siteConfig) { 20 if (!signedCookiesExist(request)) { 21 def protocol = Protocol.https; 22 def domain = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.domain') 23 def resourcePath = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.resourcePath') 24 def keyPairId = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.keyPairId') 25 def privateKeyContent = siteConfig.getString('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.privateKey') 26 def privateKey = PEM.readPrivateKey(new ByteArrayInputStream(privateKeyContent.getBytes('UTF-8'))) 27 def cloudFrontTimeToExpire = siteConfig.getLong('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.cloudFrontTimeToExpire') 28 def cloudFrontExpiresOn = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (cloudFrontTimeToExpire * 60 * 1000)) 29 def cookieMaxAge = siteConfig.getLong('aws.cloudFront.signedCookies.cookieMaxAge') * 60 30 def cookieSecure = true 31 def cookiePath = '/' 32 33 def cookies = CloudFrontCookieSigner.getCookiesForCustomPolicy(protocol, domain, privateKey, resourcePath, keyPairId, cloudFrontExpiresOn, null, null) 34 35 def signatureCookie = new Cookie(cookies.signature.key, cookies.signature.value) 36 = cookieSecure 37 signatureCookie.maxAge = cookieMaxAge 38 signatureCookie.path = cookiePath 39 40 def keyPairIdCookie = new Cookie(cookies.keyPairId.key, cookies.keyPairId.value) 41 = cookieSecure 42 keyPairIdCookie.maxAge = cookieMaxAge 43 keyPairIdCookie.path = cookiePath 44 45 def policyCookie = new Cookie(cookies.policy.key, cookies.policy.value) 46 = cookieSecure 47 policyCookie.maxAge = cookieMaxAge 48 policyCookie.path = cookiePath 49 50 response.addCookie(signatureCookie) 51 response.addCookie(keyPairIdCookie) 52 response.addCookie(policyCookie) 53 } 54 } 55 56 static boolean signedCookiesExist(request) { 57 def cookies = request.cookies 58 for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { 59 if ('CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id' == cookies[i].name) { 60 return true 61 } 62 } 63 64 return false 65 } 66 67}
Create a Groovy filter that checks for current user authentication/authorization on the requests that need it, and then calls the class method:
CloudFrontUtils.setSignedCookies(request, response, siteConfig)
Add the following config to Engine’s site-config.xml:
1<aws> 2 <cloudFront> 3 <signedCookies> 4 <domain><!--- Site's domain name, used by CloudFront --></domain> 5 <resourcePath>static-assets/*</resourcePath> 6 <keyPairId encrypted=""><!-- ID of the key pair created in step 1, recommended to be encrypted with Encrypt Marked from the UI --></keyPairId> 7 <privateKey encrypted=""><!-- Content of the private key created in step 1, recommended to be encrypted with Encrypt Marked from the UI</privateKey> 8 <cloudFrontTimeToExpire><!--Time in minutes after which CloudFront will not allow access to the content using the cookie --></cloudFrontTimeToExpire> 9 <cookieMaxAge><!-- Time in minutes after which the browser will consider the cookie expired --></cookieMaxAge> 10 </signedCookies> 11 </cloudFront> 12</aws>
Configure an Error Page HTML in CloudFront for 403 errors, that will redirect to Engine using JS so that the SSO flow is started. It can be like the following:
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> <html lang="en"> <head> ... <script> if(document.location.hash.indexOf("dlink") == -1) { document.location = "/auth-asset?a=" + document.location.pathname + "#dlink"; } </script> ... </head> <main id="main-content"> <!-- PAGE CONTENT --> <script> if(document.location.hash.indexOf("dlink") != -1) { document.getElementById("headline").innerHTML = "403"; document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "You do not have permissions to access the requested resource. You will be redirected to the home page momentarily."; setTimeout(function(){ document.location = "/" }, 5000); } </script> </body></html>
Create a
page in your site with a Groovy script that only redirects back to the asset (the auth and cookie should have been already setup by filters):if(params.a) { response.sendRedirect(params.a) }