
Introducing CrafterCMS v4.0

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of CrafterCMS version 4.0!

CrafterCMS v4.0 introduces three major new capabilities:

1. Brand new Experience Builder for composing digital experiences from reusable plugins and components, and for true in-context editing and preview that supports all front-end technologies and any digital channels

2. Brand new Crafter Studio content authoring application (built with React) that is faster and enables content teams to create/edit/review/publish more productively than ever before

3. Brand new plug-in framework that allows developers to quickly build and maintain reusable components and back-end integrations, and enable content teams to compose engaging digital experiences

Join this webinar to see the brand new CrafterCMS 4.0 in action and learn how it can help you drastically improve how you create, manage and deliver your digital experiences. 

In this webinar you will learn: