
CrafterCMS Marketplace Live Chat Plugin

Create chatbots fast with templates, no coding required

Automate right away with templates. ChatBot is ready to work out of the box. AI algorithms help you improve responses over time and adapt chabots to your needs.

Welcome Chatbot

Greet customers and automatically filter out spam, so your live agents don’t waste their time.

Afterhours Chatbot

Answer questions around the clock and on days off. Let your chatbots do the work when you’re offline.

FAQ Chatbot

Quickly answer common questions to save time for both customers and agents.

Lead Generation Chatbot

Automatically collect, segment, and qualify leads, so your team can prioritize how they handle them.

Appointment Chatbot

Automate the scheduling of appointments and booking of reservations.

Get Started
Crafted by: CrafterCMS
License: MIT