Crafter Studio Full Screen Plugin Example

Here we’ll take a look at an example of creating a Full Screen Plugin for the plugin host page using the Vanilla example

For more information on the plugin host, see here

For this example, as outlined in the vanilla example referenced above, we will need a project created using the Website Editorial Blueprint. We’ll name the project editorial.

  1. The first thing we have to do is to create the folder structure where we will be placing the JS file for our vanilla plugin. We’ll follow the convention listed in UI Plugin Directory Structure. For our example, CATEGORY is apps and the NAME is example-vanilla

    In a local folder, create the descriptor file for your plugin craftercms-plugin.yaml with the set to org.craftercms.plugin.vanilla, then create the following folder structure:

    Plugin Directory Structure

    We will be placing the JS file implementing the plugin host page plugin under the vanilla-plugin folder. For our example, the <plugin-folder> is located here: /users/myuser/myplugins/vanilla-plugin

    Here’s the plugin descriptor file we’ll be using (click on the triangle on the left to expand/collapse):

    Plugin descriptor file for vanilla example.
     1# This file describes a plugin for use in CrafterCMS
     3# The version of the format for this file
     4descriptorVersion: 2
     6# Describe the plugin
     8  type: site
     9  id: org.craftercms.plugin.vanilla
    10  name: Vanilla Plugin Host Example
    11  tags:
    12    - test
    13  version:
    14    major: 4
    15    minor: 0
    16    patch: 0
    17  description: A simple plugin host example
    18  website:
    19    name: Plugin Host Vanilla Example
    20    url:
    21  media:
    22    screenshots:
    23      - title: CrafterCMS
    24        description: CrafterCMS Example Plugin
    25        url: ""
    26  developer:
    27    company:
    28      name: CrafterCMS
    29      email:
    30      url:
    31  license:
    32    name: MIT
    33    url:
    34  crafterCmsVersions:
    35    - major: 4
    36      minor: 0
    37      patch: 1
    38  crafterCmsEditions:
    39    - community
    40    - enterprise
  2. We’ll copy the JavaScript file index.js found here for our plugin

  3. After placing your plugin file, the plugin may now be installed for testing/debugging using the crafter-cli command copy-plugin.

    Vanilla plugin host page plugin directory/files

    When running a crafter-cli command, the connection to CrafterCMS needs to be setup via the add-environment command. Once the connection has been established, we can now install the plugin to the project editorial by running the following:

    ./crafter-cli copy-plugin -e local -s editorial --path /users/myuser/myplugins/vanilla-plugin
  4. Let’s take a look at our plugin in action by entering in your browser the following:


Below is our plugin host page:

Vanilla plugin host page in action