Upgrading Search
Starting version 4.1.0, CrafterCMS now uses OpenSearch. This section describes how to upgrade search for CrafterCMS installed on a server.
Please read through the upgrade instructions here first. The steps for upgrading to OpenSearch follows almost exactly the same steps as listed in that document.
Remember to manually shut down and backup CrafterCMS before beginning your upgrades!
Upgrading 3.1.x -> 4.2.0 (from ES 6.x)
To upgrade your 3.1.x installation, we’ll be running the upgrade scripts from a new binary archive.
We’ll use the upgrade-search.sh
script, which will update the data in place.
This script tells the search engine to re-index internally to the new format and should only be run on CrafterCMS 3.1.x installs.
Please backup your data directory before running the script.
Here is the upgrade-search
script params:
-h,--help Show usage information
--port <port> Elasticsearch port to use for
upgrade ES temporary instance
--status-retries <max status retries> How many times to try to get a
yellow status from the ES
cluster (waiting 10s between
--status-timeout <seconds> Timeout in seconds for the
status check of the ES cluster
--stay-alive Set to true to keep the
process alive after reindexing
is complete. This allows to
query the ES server and
# Run in a different port
./upgrade-search.sh --port 9206 /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded --stay-aliveUpgrading 3.1.x -> 4.1.0 (from ES 6.x)
Here are the steps to upgrade your CrafterCMS 3.1.x install:
Download the CrafterCMS version you’d like to upgrade to, and extract the files.
Configure the root directory of the new bundle to use Java version 17 (This is required to run the
script since ES 7 won’t run with Java 21)Run the
script from your newly extracted files.Run the upgrade-search script./bin/upgrade/upgrade-search.sh /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded --stay-alive ======================================================================== Search upgrade started ======================================================================== ... End process. Stop Elasticsearch Move indexes from 'data/indexes-es' to 'indexes' ======================================================================== Search upgrade completed ========================================================================
Configure the root directory back to Java version 21
Upgrade using the
script. We’ll need to upgrade the target without backing up the bin folder. This is because the MariaDB version is now 11 for 4.2.0, and we cannot start the old MariaDB from the new bundle. Please manually back it up before running theupgrade-target.sh
script. Remember to enterNo
when prompted by the scriptBackup the bin folder before upgrade? [(Y)es/(N)o]:
Run the upgrade-target script./bin/upgrade/upgrade-target.sh /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded ... > Backup the bin folder before upgrade? [(Y)es/(N)o]:n ... ======================================================================== Upgrade completed ======================================================================== !!! Please read the release notes and make any necessary manual changes, then run the post upgrade script: /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded/bin/upgrade/post-upgrade.sh !!!
Run the
script from the install that’s being upgraded. This will start CrafterCMS and ask for a signal to continue, then recreate search indexes. Remember to read the release notes or any relevant upgrade articles and make any necessary manual changes before running the post-upgrade.sh script. You’ll need to configure the installation root directory to use Java version 21 before running the script.Run the post-upgrade scriptcd /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded/bin/upgrade/ ./post-upgrade.sh ======================================================================== Post-upgrade 3.1.30 -> 4.2.0 ======================================================================== ... Please make sure Crafter has started successfully before continuing > Continue? [(Y)es/(N)o]: y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Re-creating Search indexes for sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING: This will delete the current Search site indexes and recreate them. This is necessary because of a major Search upgrade. Don't proceed if you can't have any search downtime. > Proceed? [(Y)es/(N)o]: y ... ======================================================================== Post-upgrade completed ======================================================================== Crafter has already been started, you can use the system again
The script will prompt you to check that CrafterCMS has started successfully before proceeding as noted above. To do this, monitor the tomcat logs and check for the line like below to make sure CrafterCMS has started (this could take a while because of the upgrade manager (UM) updates):
27-Jun-2024 08:14:11.119 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [127790] milliseconds
Once the post-upgrade script is done, all indices should be now available in OpenSearch and CrafterCMS is now ready for use.
Upgrading 4.0.x -> 4.2.0 (from ES 7.15)
When upgrading from 4.0.x (running ES 7) the indices are not compatible at all, so the content needs to be reprocessed
and indices rebuilt completely. The rebuilding of the indices is handled by the post-upgrade.sh
Remember that the upgrade-search.sh
script should NOT be run when upgrading your CrafterCMS 4.0.x install.
To upgrade your 4.0.x installation, we’ll be running the upgrade scripts from a new binary archive. Here are the steps:
Download the CrafterCMS version you’d like to upgrade to, and extract the files.
Upgrade using the
script from your newly extracted files:Run the upgrade-target script./upgrade-target.sh /path/of/install/to/be/upgraded
Run the
script. You’ll need to configure the installation root directory to use Java version 21 before running the script. This will:Remove old data/indexes-es directory (old indexes are not usable by OpenSearch)
Start CrafterCMS and ask for signal to continue
Once started and CrafterCMS is up (including UM execution), let the post-upgrade continue by typing
:Please make sure Crafter has started successfully before continuing > Continue? [(Y)es/(N)o]:
Post-upgrade will continue to trigger the reindex of all targets by calling the Deployer API
Monitor the Deployer logs and wait for the reindex to be completed. You should see a message like the following:
2024-04-20 14:36:46.050 INFO 376430 --- [deployment-1] org.craftercms.deployer.impl.TargetImpl : Deployment for editorial110-authoring finished in 9.953 secs
Upgrading 4.1.x -> 4.2.0
There are no extra steps required for upgrading your 4.1.x install to 4.2.0, simply follow the instructions
here. Remember that the upgrade-search.sh
script should NOT be run when
upgrading your CrafterCMS 4.1.x install.
Manual Updates for Search
The Upgrade Manager (UM) performs most of the updates required to upgrade your project to OpenSearch, such as the import updates in your classes. There are some instances where manual updates may need to be performed like below:
Updating Search Beans
If you have an application context that injects Elasticsearch like below, it will need to be updated to inject OpenSearch:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
<bean id="demoProfileService" class="com.demo.services.ProfileService" />
<bean id="demoSearchService" class="com.demo.services.SearchService">
<property name="elasticsearch" ref="crafter.elasticsearchService" />
<property name="urlTransformationService" ref="crafter.urlTransformationService" />
To update to OpenSearch, in the example above, the property is called elasticsearch
and will need to be renamed. In the example below, the property has been renamed to searchClient
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
<bean id="demoProfileService" class="com.demo.services.ProfileService" />
<bean id="demoSearchService" class="com.demo.services.SearchService">
<property name="searchClient" ref="crafter.searchClient" />
<property name="urlTransformationService" ref="crafter.urlTransformationService" />
Here’s a sample Groovy script that executes a search query in a project created using the Website Editorial blueprint:
Sample search query Groovy script.
1package org.craftercms.sites.editorial
3import org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.query_dsl.BoolQuery
4import org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.query_dsl.Query
5import org.opensearch.client.opensearch._types.query_dsl.TextQueryType
6import org.opensearch.client.opensearch.core.SearchRequest
7import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
8import org.craftercms.engine.service.UrlTransformationService
9import org.craftercms.search.opensearch.client.OpenSearchClientWrapper
11class SearchService {
13 static final String ARTICLE_CONTENT_TYPE = "/page/article"
14 static final List<String> ARTICLE_SEARCH_FIELDS = [
15 'subject_t^1.5',
16 'sections_o.item.section_html^1.0'
17 ]
19 OpenSearchClientWrapper searchClient
20 UrlTransformationService urlTransformationService
22 SearchService(OpenSearchClientWrapper searchClient, UrlTransformationService urlTransformationService) {
23 this.searchClient = searchClient
24 this.urlTransformationService = urlTransformationService
25 }
27 def search(userTerm) {
28 def query = new BoolQuery.Builder()
30 // Filter by content-type
31 query.filter(q -> q
32 .match(m -> m
33 .field("content-type")
34 .query(v -> v
36 )
37 )
38 )
40 if (userTerm) {
41 // Check if the user is requesting an exact match with quotes
42 def matcher = userTerm =~ /.*("([^"]+)").*/
43 if (matcher.matches()) {
44 // Using must excludes any doc that doesn't match with the input from the user
45 query.must(q -> q
46 .multiMatch(m -> m
47 .query(matcher.group(2))
49 .fuzzyTranspositions(false)
50 .autoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery(false)
51 )
52 )
54 // Remove the exact match to continue processing the user input
55 userTerm = StringUtils.remove(userTerm, matcher.group(1))
56 } else {
57 // Exclude docs that do not have any optional matches
58 query.minimumShouldMatch("1")
59 }
61 if (userTerm) {
62 // Using should makes it optional and each additional match will increase the score of the doc
63 query
64 // Search for phrase matches including a wildcard at the end and increase the score for this match
65 .should(q -> q
66 .multiMatch(m -> m
67 .query(userTerm)
69 .type(TextQueryType.PhrasePrefix)
70 .boost(1.5f)
71 )
72 )
73 // Search for matches on individual terms
74 .should(q -> q
75 .multiMatch(m -> m
76 .query(userTerm)
78 )
79 )
80 }
81 }
83 SearchRequest request = SearchRequest.of(r -> r
84 .query(query.build()._toQuery())
85 )
87 def result = searchClient.search(request, Map)
89 if (result) {
90 return processUserSearchResults(result)
91 } else {
92 return []
93 }
94 }
96 private def processUserSearchResults(result) {
97 def articles = []
98 def hits = result.hits().hits()
100 if (hits) {
101 hits.each {hit ->
102 def doc = hit.source()
103 def article = [:]
104 article.id = doc.objectId
105 article.objectId = doc.objectId
106 article.path = doc.localId
107 article.title = doc.title_t
108 article.url = urlTransformationService.transform("storeUrlToRenderUrl", doc.localId)
110 articles << article
111 }
112 }
114 return articles
115 }
Search Methods/Groovy Code
You might encounter the following error in your project, which indicates your search methods in your groovy code needs to be updated for OpenSearch:
Caused by: org.craftercms.engine.exception.ScriptException: No signature of method: org.craftercms.engine.search.SiteAwareOpenSearchClient.search() is applicable for
argument types: (org.opensearch.action.search.SearchRequest) values: [SearchRequest{searchType=QUERY_THEN_FETCH, indices=[],
indicesOptions=IndicesOptions[ignore_unavailable=false, allow_no_indices=true, expand_wildcards_open=true, expand_wildcards_closed=false, expand_wildcards_hidden=false,
allow_aliases_to_multiple_indices=true, forbid_closed_indices=true, ignore_aliases=false, ignore_throttled=true], routing='null', preference='null', requestCache=null,
scroll=null, maxConcurrentShardRequests=0, batchedReduceSize=512, preFilterShardSize=null, allowPartialSearchResults=null, localClusterAlias=null,
getOrCreateAbsoluteStartMillis=-1, ccsMinimizeRoundtrips=true, source={"from":0,"size":6,"query":{"query_string":{"query":"content-type:\"/page/blogpost\" AND ( (NOT
(_exists_:unlisted_b)) OR unlisted_b:false) ","fields":[],"type":"best_fields","default_operator":"or","max_determinized_states":10000,"enable_position_increments":true,
"boost":1.0}},"sort":[{"publishedDate_dt":{"order":"desc"}}]}, cancelAfterTimeInterval=null, pipeline=null}]
Possible solutions: search(org.opensearch.client.opensearch.core.SearchRequest, java.lang.Class, java.util.Map), each(groovy.lang.Closure), macro(groovy.lang.Closure)