
Top 5 Reasons Visitors Prematurely Leave Your Site, and How Personalization Can Fix This

Photo of Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee

It only takes minutes, or even seconds for potential customers to be unsatisfied with their experience on your website and click on to a new one. Instead of accepting a high bounce rate and hoping that a new prospect will come along, it’s time to make your website work for you. Nothing is more effective in solving this issue than by personalizing the user experience with content relevant to the user. Luckily, the tools to make your site more likeable so prospects don’t leave, are available. All you need is a little content personalization to make your site a hit. The following are the top 5 reasons why people aren’t sticking around once they get to your site and how content personalization can help.

#1 Too Many Generic Ads
Sure, advertising is important to help with revenue, yet, when done poorly ads can also do damage and create a negative user experience. For starters, you need to be as proactive as you can with your advertising messages. Personalize your offers to every individual that comes to your site. Although this may sound like a lot of work, it actually is fairly easy with the right content personalization tools. Modern CMS solutions like CrafterCMS help authors design rules and content that enable you to personalize ads automatically based on the user’s past site history and profile information. By using relevant content you can grab the attention of the right person and match the ad and its offerings with the user that needs them.

#2 Too Much Irrelevant Content
When engaging your website visitors you speaks directly to them and their needs so they stick around. Google’s search interface and algorithm took over the internet because it was simple, on point and provided effective relevant information to users quickly.  Your content and the user experiences that it powers needs to provide that exact same value.  With the right approach and technology, your personalized content will stand out and attract users.

#3 Outdated Content
If too much irrelevant content is bad, outdated or wrong content is worse. Sites should be updated regularly to demonstrate your commitment to quality and customer service. It is extremely important to keep your content as current as possible because it causes confidence and loyalty in your visitors.

#4 Your Lead Generation Tactics are too Overt
As you know, your content is extremely valuable. The trick is to making your audience see this value. A contact or “lead form” can be intimidating and off-putting to a user. Not every visitor that heads to your site wants to give their personal information. Yet, when you have the best set of fully-automated tools, your site can have the ability to have a timely call to action without being too aggressive. By doing so, leads are not lost and instead, are gained more rapidly.

#5 Not Being Memorable
By having an “exit intent offer”, you engage your prospects with a valuable piece of relevant content that they will find worthy enough to channel them back onto the page. By being strategic with your relevant content just before they exit your site, they are more likely to take another look and re-engage. This is a simple but highly effective strategy that can make a huge difference in the overall conversion of leads.

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